r2test.conf(5) r2test.conf(5)

r2test.conf - OpenR2 r2test program configuration file


This file defines the behavior of the r2test program

This file works pretty much like Asterisk zapata.conf file, the channel parameter will create a R2 context with the specified range of channels and will take all the preceding parameters as configuration.

No spaces are allowed in parameter definition, lines starting with # or spaces will be ignored

This definition will not be read properly

param = value

This definition will be read fine


Defines the call category of subscriber. Defaults to NATIONAL_SUBSCRIBER
Defines the log level for debugging purposes. Defaults to all

error, warning, debug, notice These options are self-descriptive

cas is for logging ABCD CAS tx and rx

mf is for logging of the Multi Frequency tones

stack is for very verbose output of the channel and context call stack, only useful if you are debugging a crash or want to learn how the library works. The stack logging will be only enabled if the OpenR2 library was compiled with -DOR2_TRACE_STACKS

all is a special value to log all the activity

nothing is a clean-up value, in case you want to not log any activity for a channel or group of channels

You can mix up values, like: loglevel=error,debug,mf to log just error, debug and multi frequency messages

Call files useful to debug signaling issues are dumped in the current directory if this parameter is enabled. Defaults to no

R2 country variant. Defaults to mx

How much ANI to expect. Defaults to 10

How much DNIS to expect. Defaults to 4

Whether or not we want to request ANI first. Defaults to no

Whether to use the built-in OpenR2 MF tone generation or DAHDI MF tone generation. DAHDI is faster since it does not require to copy user space buffers to the kernel, however this option will only be available when the configure script detects DAHDI support for MF R2 tone generation. Defaults to no

MF threshold in milliseconds. This is the amount of time a R2 MF signal is required to be ON or OFF after has been detected to be handled. 0 means as soon as we detect a signal we handle it. This aids when a buggy generator or detector causes small false positives. Defaults to 0

MF backward timeout in milliseconds to use OpenR2 default just specify any negative number or comment this line. Defaults to -1

Value in milliseconds for the metering pulse timeout, any negative value means default. Defaults to -1

Whether to accept collect calls (see also doubleanswer). Defaults to no

This option are related but independent of collectcalls. If you have problems to block collect calls using Group B signals (collectcalls), enable this option. Defaults to no

Whether to skip Group B/II signals and go directly to the accepted state for an incoming call. Defaults to no

This option is for advanced users only! Define a file that contains hacks to R2 protocol. This allow advanced users to fine tune the library or make test with specific scenarios to include in the library in the future.

This feature allows you to play an alaw audio file for incoming/outgoing calls. Defaults to no

If you set playaudio=yes you should provide the path to the audio file

Define range of channels to configure using previous options. The channel range must be specified, unless you will use only one channel. If this option is specified after dnid, cid and caller that options will be used. Defaults to


Defines the destination number. Only used if .B caller = yes

Defines the caller id number. Only used if .B caller = yes

Whether or not the group of channels will start a call to the specified dnid. Defaults to yes



This manual page was written by Alexandre Cavalcante Alencar

Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU General Public License, Version 2 any later version published by the Free Software Foundation.

1.0.0 Moises Silva