public-inbox-config - public-inbox config file description
The public-inbox config file is parseable by git-config(1).
This is a global configuration file for mapping/discovering all
public-inboxes used by a particular user.
[publicinbox "test"]
inboxdir = /home/user/path/to/test.git
; multiple addresses are supported
address =
; address =
url =
newsgroup = inbox.test
; backwards compatibility with public-inbox pre-1.2.0,
; "inboxdir" takes precedence over "mainrepo"
mainrepo = /home/user/path/to/test.git
- publicinbox.<name>.address
- The email address of the public-inbox. May be specified more than once for
merging multiple mailing lists (or migrating to new addresses). This must
be specified at least once, the first value will be considered the primary
address for informational purposes.
Default: none, required
- publicinbox.<name>.inboxdir
- The absolute path to the directory which hosts the public-inbox. This must
be specified once.
This was previously known as "mainrepo", which
remains supported, but "inboxdir" takes precedence.
Default: none, required
- publicinbox.<name>.url
- The primary URL for hosting the HTTP/HTTPS archives. Additional HTTP/HTTPS
URLs may be specified via
"$GIT_DIR/cloneurl" as documented in
Default: none, optional
- publicinbox.<name>.newsgroup
- The NNTP group name for use with public-inbox-nntpd(1). This may be
any newsgroup name with hierarchies delimited by
".". For example, the newsgroup for
<> is:
It also configures the folder hierarchy used by
public-inbox-imapd(1) as well as public-inbox-pop3d(1)
Omitting this for a given inbox will prevent the inbox from
being served by public-inbox-nntpd(1),
public-inbox-imapd(1), and/or public-inbox-pop3d(1)
Default: none, optional
- publicinbox.<name>.watch
- See public-inbox-watch(1)
- See public-inbox-watch(1)
- publicinbox.<name>.listid
- The rfc2919 <> header without
angle brackets for public-inbox-mda(1) deliveries and
For public-inbox-watch users, this is a shortcut for
For public-inbox-mda users, this may be used to avoid
recipient matching via
This may be specified multiple times for merging multiple
mailing lists into a single public-inbox, only one
"List-Id" header needs to match.
Default: none
- publicinbox.<name>.imapmirror
- This may be the full IMAP URL of an independently-run IMAP mirror.
Default: none
- publicinbox.<name>.nntpmirror
- This may be the full NNTP URL of an independently-run mirror. For example,
the inbox is mirrored by Gmane at
Default: none
- publicinbox.<name>.indexlevel
- The indexing level for public-inbox-index(1)
"basic" only requires
DBD::SQLite(3pm) and provides all NNTP functionality along with
thread-awareness in the WWW interface.
"medium" requires
Search::Xapian(3pm) to provide full-text term search
functionality in the WWW UI.
"full" also includes
positional information used by Xapian to allow for searching for phrases
using quoted text. (e.g. "looking for a complete
Default: "full"
- publicinbox.<name>.boost
- Control indexing order for public-inbox-extindex(1), with ties
broken by config file order. This only affects indexing and does not
affect messages which are already indexed.
Default: 0
- publicinbox.<name>.indexSequentialShard
- See "publicInbox.indexSequentialShard" in
- publicinbox.<name>.httpbackendmax
- If a digit, the maximum number of parallel git-http-backend(1)
processes to allow for cloning this particular inbox.
If an alphanumeric value starting with a lowercase alphabetic
character is specified, the inbox will use a "NAMED LIMITER"
which can be shared by multiple inboxes.
Default: 32 (using a default limiter shared by all
- publicinbox.<name>.coderepo
- The nickname of a "coderepo" section associated with the inbox.
May be specified more than once for M:N mapping of code repos to inboxes.
If enabled, diff hunk headers in patch emails will link to the line
numbers of blobs.
Default: none
- publicinbox.<name>.replyto
- May be used to control how reply instructions in the PSGI interface are
":none=dead inbox" may be specified to denote an
inactive list ("dead inbox" may be replaced with another
A list of comma-delimited email addresses may be specified.
This can be useful for dedicated inboxes for bot emails, but discussion
happens on a separate mailing list/inbox.
Mirrors of existing centralized mailing lists may use
":list" here to redirect mail only to the configured inbox
address. The use of ":list" is discouraged for new mailing
lists, as it leads to centralization.
Default: :all
- publicinbox.css
- The local path name of a CSS file for the PSGI web interface. May contain
the attributes "media", "title" and "href"
which match the associated attributes of the HTML <style> tag.
"href" may be specified to point to the URL of an remote CSS
file and the path may be "/dev/null" or any empty file. Multiple
files may be specified and will be included in the order specified.
- publicinboxmda.spamcheck
- This may be set to "none" to disable the
use of SpamAssassin spamc(1) for filtering spam before it is
imported into git history. Other spam filtering backends may be supported
in the future.
Default: spamc
- publicinboxwatch.spamcheck
- See public-inbox-watch(1)
- publicinboxwatch.watchspam
- See public-inbox-watch(1)
- publicinbox.imapserver
- Set this to point to the hostname(s) of the public-inbox-imapd(1)
instance. This is used to advertise the existence of the IMAP endpoint in
the PublicInbox::WWW HTML interface.
Default: none
- publicinbox.nntpserver
- Same as "publicinbox.imapserver", but
for the hostname(s) of the public-inbox-nntpd(1) instance.
Default: none
- publicinbox.pop3server
- Same as "publicinbox.imapserver", but
for the hostname(s) of the public-inbox-pop3d(1) instance.
Default: none
- publicinbox.pop3state
- See "publicinbox.pop3state" in public-inbox-pop3d(1)
- publicinbox.<name>.feedmax
- The size of an Atom feed for the inbox. If specified more than once, only
the last value is used. Invalid values (<= 0) will be treated as the
default value.
Default: 25
- publicinbox.<name>.hide
- A comma-delimited list of listings to hide the inbox from.
Valid values are currently
"www" and
Default: none
- coderepo.<nick>.dir
- The path to a git repository for
- coderepo.<nick>.cgitUrl
- The URL of the cgit instance associated with the coderepo.
Default: none
- publicinbox.cgitrc
- A path to a cgitrc(5) file. "repo.url" directives in the
cgitrc will be mapped to the nickname of a coderepo (without trailing
slash), and "repo.path" directives map to
"coderepo.<nick>.dir". Use of this directive allows admins
of existing cgit installations to skip declaring coderepo sections and map
inboxes directly to code repositories known to cgit.
Macro expansion (e.g. $HTTP_HOST) is
not yet supported.
- publicinbox.cgitbin
- A path to the "cgit.cgi" executable. The
PublicInbox::WWW interface can spawn cgit as a fallback if the
publicinbox.cgitrc directive is configured.
Default: /var/www/htdocs/cgit/cgit.cgi or
- publicinbox.cgitdata
- A path to the data directory used by cgit for storing static files.
Typically guessed based the location of
"cgit.cgi" (from
"publicinbox.cgitbin", but may be
Default: basename of
/var/www/htdocs/cgit/ or /usr/share/cgit/
- publicinbox.mailEditor
- See public-inbox-edit(1)
- publicinbox.indexMaxSize
=item publicinbox.indexBatchSize =item
- See public-inbox-index(1)
- publicinbox.wwwlisting
- Enable a HTML listing style when the root path of the URL '/' is accessed.
Valid values are:
- all - Show all inboxes
- 404 - Return a 404 page. This is useful to allow customization with
- match=domain - Only show inboxes with URLs which belong to the domain of
the HTTP request
- publicinbox.grokmanifest
- Controls the generation of a grokmirror-compatible gzipped JSON file at
the top-level of the PSGI interface. You generally do not need to change
this from the default.
Valid values are:
- match=domain - Only include inboxes with URLs which belong to the domain
of the HTTP request. This is compatible with virtual hosting where several
domains come from the same host.
- all - All inboxes are present in
"manifest.js.gz", regardless of domain.
Only use this if you're serving HTTP requests in a domain-agnostic
- 404 - "manifest.js.gz" will only contain
an empty JSON array. This does NOT affect
"$INBOX_URL/manifest.js.gz", which will
always contain all git repos used by the inbox at
- publicinbox.<name>.obfuscate
- Whether to obfuscate email addresses in the PublicInbox::WWW HTML
Default: false
- publicinbox.noObfuscate
- A space-delimited list of well-known addresses and domains that should not
be obfuscated when
"publicinbox.$NAME.obfuscate" is true
(e.g., "" and
""). This may be specified
more than once, in which case the values are merged.
Default: none
- extindex.<name>.topdir
- The directory of an external index. See public-inbox-extindex(1)
for more details.
- extindex.<name>.url
- Identical to "publicinbox.<name>.url", but for external
- extindex.<name>.coderepo
- Identical to "publicinbox.<name>.coderepo", but for
external indices. Code repos may be freely associated with any number of
public inboxes and external indices.
Named limiters are useful for preventing large inboxes from
monopolizing (or overloading) the server. Since serving git clones (via
git-http-backend(1) can be memory-intensive for large inboxes, it
makes sense to put large inboxes on a named limiter with a low max value;
while smaller inboxes can use the default limiter.
"RLIMIT_*" keys may be set to
enforce resource limits for a particular limiter (BSD::Resource(3pm)
is required).
Default named-limiters are prefixed with "-". Currently,
the "-cgit" named limiter is reserved for instances spawning cgit
via "publicinbox.cgitrc"
- publicinboxlimiter.<name>.max
- The maximum number of parallel processes for the given limiter.
- publicinboxlimiter.<name>.rlimitCore
- publicinboxlimiter.<name>.rlimitCPU
- publicinboxlimiter.<name>.rlimitData
- The maximum core size, CPU time, or data size processes run with the given
limiter will use. This may be comma-separated to distinguish soft and hard
limits. The word "INFINITY" is accepted as the RLIM_INFINITY
constant (if supported by your OS).
See setrlimit(2) for more info on the behavior of
RLIMIT_CORE, RLIMIT_CPU, and RLIMIT_DATA for you operating system.
; big inboxes which require lots of memory to clone:
[publicinbox "big1"]
inboxdir = /path/to/big1
address =
httpbackendmax = big
[publicinbox "big2"]
inboxdir = /path/to/big2
address =
httpbackendmax = big
; tiny inboxes which are easily cloned:
[publicinbox "tiny1"]
inboxdir = /path/to/tiny1
address =
[publicinbox "tiny2"]
inboxdir = /path/to/tiny2
address =
[publicinboxlimiter "big"]
max = 4
In the above example, the "big1" and "big2"
are limited to four parallel git-http-backend(1) processes between
However, "tiny1" and "tiny2" will share the
default limiter which means there can be 32 git-http-backend(1)
processes between them.
- Used to override the default "~/.public-inbox/config"
Feedback welcome via plain-text mail to
The mail archives are hosted at
<> and
Copyright all contributors
License: AGPL-3.0+
git(1), git-config(1),
public-inbox-daemon(8), public-inbox-mda(1),
public-inbox-watch(1), grokmirror