org.bluez.MediaEndpoint - BlueZ D-Bus MediaEndpoint API documentation

unique name (Server role) org.bluez (Client role)
freely definable (Server role) [variable prefix]/{hci0,hci1,...}/dev_XX_XX_XX_XX_XX_XX/sepX (Client role)

Set configuration for the transport.
Configured transport object.
Configured org.bluez.MediaTransport(5) properties.

For client role transport must be set with a server endpoint object which will be configured and the properties must contain the following properties:

See Capabilities property.
See Metadata property.
See org.bluez.MediaTransport(5) QoS property.

Select preferable configuration from the supported capabilities.

Returns a configuration which can be used to setup a transport, see org.bluez.MediaTransport(5) for possible values.

Note: There is no need to cache the selected configuration since on success the configuration is send back as parameter of SetConfiguration.

Select BAP unicast configuration from the supported capabilities:

See MediaEndpoint Properties for their possible values.

Returns a configuration which can be used to setup a transport:

See SetConfiguration for their possible values.

Note: There is no need to cache the selected properties since on success the configuration is send back as parameter of SetConfiguration.

Clear transport configuration.

This method gets called when the service daemon unregisters the endpoint. An endpoint can use it to do cleanup tasks. There is no need to unregister the endpoint, because when this method gets called it has already been unregistered.

UUID of the profile which the endpoint is for.

Assigned number of codec that the endpoint implements. The values should match the profile specification which is indicated by the UUID.

Vendor-specific Company ID, Codec ID tuple that the endpoint implements.

It shall be set to appropriate value when Vendor Specific Codec (0xff) is used.

Capabilities blob, it is used as it is so the size and byte order must match.

Metadata blob, it is used as it is so the size and byte order must match.

Device object which the endpoint is belongs to.

Indicates if endpoint supports Delay Reporting.

Indicates endpoint supported locations.

Indicates endpoint supported audio context.

Indicates endpoint available audio context.

Indicates QoS capabilities.
Indicates endpoint support framing.

Possible Values:

Unframed PDUs supported.
Unframed PDUs not supported.

Indicates endpoint preferred PHY.

Possible values:

LE 1M preferred.
LE 2M preferred.
LE Coded preferred.

Indicates endpoint preferred number of retransmissions.
Indicates endpoint maximum latency.
Indicates endpoint minimum presentation delay.
Indicates endpoint maximum presentation delay.
Indicates endpoint preferred minimum presentation delay.
Indicates endpoint preferred maximum presentation delay.

September 2023 BlueZ