org.bluez.GattDescriptor - BlueZ D-Bus GattDescriptor API documentation

GATT local/server and remote/client descriptor attribute representation share the same high-level D-Bus API.

Local/Server refers to GATT based descriptors exported by a plugin or an external application.

Remote/Client refers to GATT descriptors exported by the peer.

[variable prefix]/{hci0,hci1,...}/dev_XX_XX_XX_XX_XX_XX/serviceXX/charYYYY/descriptorZZZ

unique name
freely definable

Issues a request to read the value of the descriptor and returns the value if the operation was successful.

Possible options:

Read start offset in bytes.
Device object.
Link type (Server only).

Possible values:


Possible Errors:

Issues a request to write the value of the descriptor.

Possible flags:

Write start offset in bytes.
Exchanged MTU (Server only).
Device path (Server only).
Link type (Server only).

Possible values:


True if prepare authorization request.

Possible Errors:

128-bit descriptor UUID.

Object path of the GATT characteristic the descriptor belongs to.

The cached value of the descriptor. This property gets updated only after a successful read request, upon which a PropertiesChanged signal will be emitted.

Defines how the descriptor value can be used.

Possible values:

"secure-read" (Server Only)
"secure-write" (Server Only)

uint16 Handle [read-only] (Client Only)

Descriptor handle.

uint16 Handle [read-write, optional] (Server Only)

Descriptor handle. When available in the server it would attempt to use to allocate into the database which may fail, to auto allocate the value 0x0000 shall be used which will cause the allocated handle to be set once registered.

October 2023 BlueZ