linkcheckerrc - configuration file for LinkChecker
linkcheckerrc is the configuration file for LinkChecker.
The file is written in an INI-style format. The default file location is
$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/linkchecker/linkcheckerrc or else
~/.config/linkchecker/linkcheckerrc on Unix,
%HOMEPATH%\.config\linkchecker\linkcheckerrc on Windows systems.
- cookiefile=filename
- Read a file with initial cookie data. The cookie data format is explained
in linkchecker(1). Command line option: --cookiefile
- debugmemory=[0|1]
- Write memory allocation statistics to a file on exit, requires
meliae. The default is not to write the file. Command line option:
- localwebroot=STRING
- When checking absolute URLs inside local files, the given root directory
is used as base URL. Note that the given directory must have URL syntax,
so it must use a slash to join directories instead of a backslash. And the
given directory must end with a slash. Command line option: none
- recursionlevel=NUMBER
- Check recursively all links up to given depth. A negative depth will
enable infinite recursion. Default depth is infinite. Command line option:
- threads=NUMBER
- Generate no more than the given number of threads. Default number of
threads is 10. To disable threading specify a non-positive number. Command
line option: --threads
- timeout=NUMBER
- Set the timeout for connection attempts in seconds. The default timeout is
60 seconds. Command line option: --timeout
- aborttimeout=NUMBER
- Time to wait for checks to finish after the user aborts the first time
(with Ctrl-C or the abort button). The default abort timeout is 300
seconds. Command line option: none
- useragent=STRING
- Specify the User-Agent string to send to the HTTP server, for example
"Mozilla/4.0". The default is "LinkChecker/X.Y" where
X.Y is the current version of LinkChecker. Command line option:
- sslverify=[0|1|filename]
- If set to zero disables SSL certificate checking. If set to one (the
default) enables SSL certificate checking with the provided CA certificate
file. If a filename is specified, it will be used as the certificate file.
Command line option: none
- maxrunseconds=NUMBER
- Stop checking new URLs after the given number of seconds. Same as if the
user stops (by hitting Ctrl-C) after the given number of seconds. The
default is not to stop until all URLs are checked. Command line option:
- maxfilesizedownload=NUMBER
- Files larger than NUMBER bytes will be ignored, without downloading
anything if accessed over http and an accurate Content-Length header was
returned. No more than this amount of a file will be downloaded. The
default is 5242880 (5 MB). Command line option: none
- maxfilesizeparse=NUMBER
- Files larger than NUMBER bytes will not be parsed for links. The default
is 1048576 (1 MB). Command line option: none
- maxnumurls=NUMBER
- Maximum number of URLs to check. New URLs will not be queued after the
given number of URLs is checked. The default is to queue and check all
URLs. Command line option: none
- maxrequestspersecond=NUMBER
- Limit the maximum number of HTTP requests per second to one host. The
average number of requests per second is approximately one third of the
maximum. Values less than 1 and at least 0.001 can be used. To use values
greater than 10, the HTTP server must return a "LinkChecker"
response header. The default is 10. Command line option: none
- robotstxt=[0|1]
- When using http, fetch robots.txt, and confirm whether each URL should be
accessed before checking. The default is to use robots.txt files. Command
line option: --no-robots
- allowedschemes=NAME[,NAME...]
- Allowed URL schemes as comma-separated list. Command line option:
- resultcachesize=NUMBER
- Set the result cache size. The default is 100 000 URLs. Command line
option: none
- ignore=REGEX
- Only check syntax of URLs matching the given regular expressions. Command
line option: --ignore-url
- ignorewarnings=NAME[,NAME...]
- Ignore the comma-separated list of warnings. See WARNINGS for the
list of supported warnings. Messages are logged as information. Command
line option: none
- internlinks=REGEX
- Regular expression to add more URLs recognized as internal links. Default
is that URLs given on the command line are internal. Command line option:
- nofollow=REGEX
- Check but do not recurse into URLs matching the given regular expressions.
Command line option: --no-follow-url
- checkextern=[0|1]
- Check external links. Default is to check internal links only. Command
line option: --check-extern
- entry=REGEX
- Provide individual username/password pairs for different links. In
addition to a single login page specified with loginurl multiple
FTP and HTTP (Basic Authentication) links are supported. Entries are a
triple (URL regex, username, password) or a tuple (URL regex, username),
where the entries are separated by whitespace. The password is optional
and if missing it has to be entered at the commandline. If the regular
expression matches the checked URL, the given username/password pair is
used for authentication. The command line options -u and -p
match every link and therefore override the entries given here. The first
match wins. Command line option: -u, -p
- loginurl=URL
- The URL of a login page to be visited before link checking. The page is
expected to contain an HTML form to collect credentials and submit them to
the address in its action attribute using an HTTP POST request. The name
attributes of the input elements of the form and the values to be
submitted need to be available (see entry for an explanation of
username and password values).
- loginuserfield=STRING
- The name attribute of the username input element. Default:
- loginpasswordfield=STRING
- The name attribute of the password input element. Default:
- Optionally the name attributes of any additional input elements and the
values to populate them with. Note that these are submitted without
checking whether matching input elements exist in the HTML form.
- fileoutput=TYPE[,TYPE...]
- Output to a file linkchecker-out.TYPE, or
$XDG_DATA_HOME/linkchecker/failures for the failures output
type. Valid file output types are text, html, sql,
csv, gml, dot, xml, none or
failures. Default is no file output. The various output types are
documented below. Note that you can suppress all console output with
output=none. Command line option: --file-output
- Specify the console output type as text, html, sql,
csv, gml, dot, xml, none or
failures. Default type is text. The various output types are
documented below. The ENCODING specifies the output encoding, the
default is that of your locale. Valid encodings are listed at
Command line option: --output
- verbose=[0|1]
- If set log all checked URLs once, overriding warnings. Default is
to log only errors and warnings. Command line option:
- warnings=[0|1]
- If set log warnings. Default is to log warnings. Command line option:
- ignoreerrors=URL_REGEX
- Specify regular expressions to ignore errors for matching URLs, one per
line. A second regular expression can be specified per line to only ignore
matching error messages per corresponding URL. If the second expression is
omitted, all errors are ignored. In contrast to filtering, this
happens after checking, which allows checking URLs despite certain
expected and tolerable errors. Default is to not ignore any errors.
^https://deprecated\.example\.com ^410 Gone
# ignore all errors (no second expression), also for syntax check:
- status=[0|1]
- Control printing URL checker status messages. Default is 1. Command line
option: --no-status
- debug=STRING[,STRING...]
- Print debugging output for the given logger. Available debug loggers are
cmdline, checking, cache, plugin and
all. all is an alias for all available loggers. Command line
option: --debug
- quiet=[0|1]
- If set, operate quiet. An alias for log=none that also hides
application information messages. This is only useful with
fileoutput, else no results will be output. Command line option:
- filename=STRING
- Specify output filename for text logging. Default filename is
linkchecker-out.txt. Command line option: --file-output
- parts=STRING
- Comma-separated list of parts that have to be logged. See LOGGER
PARTS below. Command line option: none
- encoding=STRING
- Valid encodings are listed in
Default encoding is the system default locale encoding.
- wraplength=NUMBER
- The number of characters at which to wrap each message line. The default
is 65. Command line option: none
- color*
- Color settings for the various log parts, syntax is color or
type;color. The type can be bold,
light, blink, invert. The color can be
default, black, red, green, yellow,
blue, purple, cyan, white, Black,
Red, Green, Yellow, Blue, Purple,
Cyan or White. Command line option: none
- colorparent=STRING
- Set parent color. Default is white.
- colorurl=STRING
- Set URL color. Default is default.
- colorname=STRING
- Set name color. Default is default.
- colorreal=STRING
- Set real URL color. Default is cyan.
- colorbase=STRING
- Set base URL color. Default is purple.
- colorvalid=STRING
- Set valid color. Default is bold;green.
- colorinvalid=STRING
- Set invalid color. Default is bold;red.
- colorinfo=STRING
- Set info color. Default is default.
- colorwarning=STRING
- Set warning color. Default is bold;yellow.
- colordltime=STRING
- Set download time color. Default is default.
- colorreset=STRING
- Set reset color. Default is default.
- all
- for all parts
- id
- a unique ID for each logentry
- realurl
- the full url link
- result
- valid or invalid, with messages
- extern
- 1 or 0, only in some logger types reported
- base
- base href=...
- name
- <a href=...>name</a> and <img alt="name">
- parenturl
- if any
- info
- some additional info, e.g. FTP welcome messages
- warning
- warnings
- dltime
- download time
- checktime
- check time
- url
- the original url name, can be relative
- intro
- the blurb at the beginning, "starting at ..."
- outro
- the blurb at the end, "found x errors ..."
Some option values can span multiple lines. Each line has to be
indented for that to work. Lines starting with a hash (#) will be
ignored, though they must still be indented.
# a comment
All plugins have a separate section. If the section appears in the
configuration file the plugin is enabled. Some plugins read extra options in
their section.
Checks validity of HTML anchors. When checking local files, URLs
with anchors that link to directories e.g. "example/#anchor" are
not supported. There is no such limitation when using http(s).
Adds the country and if possible city name of the URL host as
info. Needs GeoIP or pygeoip and a local country or city lookup DB
Define a regular expression which prints a warning if it matches
any content of the checked link. This applies only to valid pages, so we can
get their content.
- warningregex=REGEX
- Use this to check for pages that contain some form of error message, for
example "This page has moved" or "Oracle Application
error". REGEX should be unquoted.
Note that multiple values can be combined in the regular
expression, for example "(This page has moved|Oracle Application
Check SSL certificate expiration date. Only internal https: links
will be checked. A domain will only be checked once to avoid duplicate
Check the syntax of HTML pages with the online W3C HTML validator.
The HtmlSyntaxCheck plugin is currently broken and is
Print HTTP headers in URL info.
Check the syntax of HTML pages with the online W3C CSS validator.
Checks the page content for virus infections with clamav. A local
clamav daemon must be installed.
Parse PDF files for URLs to check. Needs the pdfminer.six
Python package installed.
Parse Word files for URLs to check. Needs the pywin32
Python extension installed.
Parse Markdown files for URLs to check.
The following warnings are recognized in the 'ignorewarnings'
config file entry:
Bastian Kleineidam <>
2000-2016 Bastian Kleineidam, 2010-2023 LinkChecker Authors