libipmiconsole.conf - specify default values for libipmiconsole
The Libipmiconsole configuration file can be used to set alternate default values for the libipmiconsole library. The configuration of these defaults may be useful for environments in which programs link to libipmiconsole but do not support configuration of libipmiconsole parameters. Users should be ware that setting alternate default values into libipmiconsole will affect all tools that link to the library, such as the ipmiconsole(8) tool. For users wishing to set alternate defaults to ipmiconsole(8) please use the freeipmi.conf(5) file instead.
The configuration file is stored at /etc/freeipmi//libipmiconsole.conf.
The configuration options that can be specified in the configuration file are listed below. Each configuration option must be listed on a separate line. Arguments for an option are separated by any amount of whitespace. Multiple arguments are also separated by whitespace. Comments can be marked by using the pound sign ("#") character, and lines can be continued on the next using backslash ("\").
Every SOL session is housed within an libipmiconsole context. The following defines IPMI config default values for each context created.
Every SOL session is housed within an libipmiconsole context. The following defines protocol config default values for each context created.
Every SOL session is housed within an libipmiconsole context. The following defines engine config default values for each context created. Knowledge of the libipmiconsole library may be necessary to understand the meaning of these settings. Please see the ipmiconsole.h header file for additional information on the library.
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Copyright (C) 2007-2015 Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC.
Copyright (C) 2006-2007 The Regents of the University of California.
FreeIPMI is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
freeipmi.conf(5), freeipmi(7), libipmiconsole(3), ipmiconsole(8),
2024-03-25 | FreeIPMI 1.6.13 |