lazygal.conf - Configuration file for lazygal, a static web gallery generator.

lazygal is configured using JSON files. The format looks like this:

    "sectionname": {
        "variable"     : "string value ",
        "boolean"      : false,
        "list"         : ["foo", "bar"],
        "dictionary"  : {
            "key1": "value1",
            "key2": "value2"
    "othersection": {
        "foo"          : "bar"

This format is the preferred way to configure LAZYGAL.

The configuration file can also be an INI like file. The format looks like this:

variable = string value
boolean = Yes
list = foo, bar
dictionary = key1=value1, key2=value2
foo = bar

In this INI format, boolean values can be conveniently set in the following ways:

For True: 1, yes, true, and on.
For False: 0, no, false, and off.

Please refer to the python ConfigParser documentation ( for more information on the file format.

The runtime defines the runtime parameters.

Boolean. Same as --quiet in LAZYGAL if True. (default is False).
Boolean. Same as --debug in LAZYGAL if True (default is False).
Boolean. Same as --check-all-dirs in LAZYGAL if True. (default is False).

The global defines the global parameters. Those parameters apply to all the sub-galleries.

Same as --output-directory=DEST_DIR in LAZYGAL (default is current directory).
Boolean. Same as --clean-destination in LAZYGAL if True.
Same as --preserve=PATTERN in LAZYGAL. Multiple values may be separated by commas.
Same as --exclude=PATTERN in LAZYGAL. Multiple values may be separated by commas.
Same as --dir-flattening-depth=LEVEL in LAZYGAL.
Same as --puburl=PUB_URL in LAZYGAL.
Same as --theme=THEME in LAZYGAL.

The webgal defines the parameters for a web-gallery.

Same as --default-style=DEFAULT_STYLE in LAZYGAL.
Same as --webalbum-pic-bg=WEBALBUMPIC_BG in LAZYGAL.
Same as --webalbum-pic-type=WEBALBUMPIC_BG in LAZYGAL. If you set this to 'tidy' you may also consider setting webalbumpic-size (see below) to something smaller than the default 200x150.
Size of picture mash-up representing galleries, eg. 200x150.
Same as --image-size=IMAGE_SIZE in LAZYGAL. Syntax in the config file can be either of the following equivalent forms:
"image-size": [
    {"name": "small", "defs": "800x600", "default": true},
    {"name": "medium", "defs": "1024x768"}

or with implicit default as first entry:

"image-size": {
    "small" : "800x600",
    "medium": "1024x768"
Same as --thumbnail-size=THUMBNAIL_SIZE in LAZYGAL.
Size of videos, eg. 0x0. Refer to the IMAGE RESIZE DESCRIPTION section for more information on the available syntax.

In addition, size can be the name of a previously declared image-size.

Same as --thumbs-per-page=THUMBS_PER_PAGE in LAZYGAL.
Same as --pic-sort-by=ORDER in LAZYGAL.
Same as --subgal-sort-by=ORDER in LAZYGAL.
Boolean. Same as --original in LAZYGAL if True (default is False).
Same as --orig-base=RELATIVE_PATH in LAZYGAL.
Boolean. Same as --orig-symlink in LAZYGAL if True (default is False).
Same as --make-dir-zip in LAZYGAL if True (default is False).
Same as --quality=QUALITY in LAZYGAL.
Boolean. Run an extra optimization pass for each generated thumbnail if True, the default.
Generate progressive JPEG images if True, the default.
Publish image metadata if True, the default: copy original image metadata in reduced picture, and include some information in the image page.
Same as --filter-by-tag=TAG in LAZYGAL.

The template-vars defines the custom template variables. The variables and their value are listed in this section.

For instance, $footer is a template variable in the default template. Its value can be defined with this configuration file:

    "template-vars": {
        "footer": "<p>All pics are copyright 2011 me</p>"


This manual page was written for the DEBIAN system (but may be used by others). Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU General Public License, Version 2 any later version published by the Free Software Foundation.

On Debian systems, the complete text of the GNU General Public License can be found in /usr/share/common-licenses/GPL.

Alexandre Rossi.