interfaces-wifi(5) | File Formats Manual | interfaces-wifi(5) |
interfaces-wifi - WiFi vocabulary for the interfaces(5) file format
Wi-Fi (the IEEE 802.11 family of protocols) is a commonly used wireless networking standard. The following options allow for configuration of Wi-Fi client interfaces.
WPA-secured networks are managed using wpa_supplicant(8), while insecure networks are managed directly with iwconfig(8).
wifi-config-path path
wifi-ssid ssid
wifi-psk psk
A typical setup may involve connecting to a home and work network. To achieve this, we can define a pair of virtual interfaces called wifi-home and wifi-work, which connect to their respective wifi networks:
iface wifi-home use dhcp wifi-ssid HomeNetwork wifi-psk ExamplePassphrase iface wifi-work use dhcp wifi-config-path /etc/network/wpa-work.conf
The virtual interfaces can be used with ifup and ifdown:
# ifup wlan0=wifi-home # ifdown wlan0 # ifup wlan0=wifi-work
Ariadne Conill <>
2024-03-13 |