freeipmi_interpret_sensor.conf - specify sensor interpretation rules
The /etc/freeipmi//freeipmi_interpret_sensor.conf defines how IPMI sensors should be interpreted. IPMI based sensors specify a number of states/thresholds when they are read. Based on those states/thresholds, libraries and tools such as libfreeipmi(3), libipmimonitoring(3) and ipmi-sensors(8) can report if a sensor reading is "good" or "bad" via a report of a NOMINAL, WARNING, or CRITICAL state.
Each of the states listed below are (hopefully) descriptive enough to describe the state conditions that may be set/unset for each sensor type. For more detailed information on each of the individual states listed below, please see the IPMI Specification "Sensor and Event Code Tables". Ipmi-sensors(8) can be used to determine the sensor types and the states/thresholds that exist on a system by outputting very verbose output and seeing what types of Assertion or Deassertion events are possible.
The possible values for all states/thresholds below are:
Nominal - Signal Nominal reading if state/threshold tripped
Warning - Signal Warning reading if state/treshold tripped
Critical - Signal Critical reading if state/threshold tripped
Not all IPMI sensor types and event types are currently supported. If you would like more to be supported, please e-mail the FreeIPMI mailing list.
The default values selected for individual states/thresholds being tripped are based on best guesses and motherboards being analyzed. If you think they should be changed, please e-mail the FreeIPMI mailing list to discuss what the defaults should be.
Most default interpretations can be determined quite easily and can meet the needs of most users. For example, a reading of "Performance_Met" is normally better than "Performance_Lags". However, some sensors can be ambiguous and depend completely on the manufacturer. For example, "State_Asserted" vs. "State_Deasserted" are completely at the interpretation of the vendor. Users are advised to adjust the interpretations below as needed for their machines.
Every group of state conditions below includes a configuration for "No_Event". This is the condition under which no sensor states/events have occurred or are triggered. Under most conditions, a mapping to "Nominal" is preferred. However, under some circumstances, it may be useful to report something else. For example, if a sensor on a particular motherboard is required to report a state/event, a no sensor state condition could indicate a broken a sensor. This is highly dependent on the motherboard.
The configuration options that can be specified in the configuration file are listed below. Each configuration option must be listed on a separate line. Arguments for an option are separated by any amount of whitespace. Multiple arguments are also separated by whitespace. Comments can be marked by using the pound sign ("#") character, and lines can be continued on the next using backslash ("\").
Report bugs to <> or <>.
Copyright (C) 2007-2015 Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC.
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
libfreeipmi(3), libipmimonitoring(3), ipmi-sensors(8)
2024-03-25 | FreeIPMI 1.6.13 |