epgsearchuservars.conf(5) Epgsearch Version 2.4.1 epgsearchuservars.conf(5)

epgsearchuservars.conf - User defined variables

In this file you can defines variables which then can be used in epgsearch in any play where variables are possible.

Variables looks like %Variablename%.

"Variablename" can be consist of any alphanumerical character. Space and special characters are not allowed.

The variable names are case-insensitive.

Examples for possible names:

 %Series% %DocuVar1% %ThemesSubtitleDate1%

 %Series%=New series~Thriller

The variable %Series% will be assigned with the string "New series~Thriller".

Assignments are always strings. Spaces stay spaces.


The variable %Path% gets the content of the variable %Series%.

You can do nearly everything:


The variable %Path% contains now the string "New series~Thriller~Lost".

You can use simple "if then else" constructions.

These constructions cannot contain strings, only variables. Spaces are ignored.

 %Variable%=%Path% ? %Path% : %Foo%

If %Path% is not empty, assign the content of %Path% to %Variable%, otherwise the content of %Foo%.

"%Path% ?" means "not empty?". You can use other checks.

 %Variable%=%Path%!=5 ? %Path% : %Foo%

"%Path%!=5 ?" means "is %Path% equal 5?"

You can also compare variables.

 %Variable%=%Path%!=%Five% ? %Path% : %Foo%

Other possible checks:

 ==   equal
 !=   not equal

You can call external commands. The returned string will be assigned to a variable

 %Result%=system(scriptname,%Variable1% %Variable2% -f %Variable3% --dir=%Variable4% --dummy)

Calls the script "scriptname" with the parameters "%Variable1%", "%Variable2%", etc. The result will be stored in %Result%.

You can use as many variables as you want.

If needed, epgsearch will quote the variable.

The script must return a string without line break!

If the script returns nothing, an empty string will be assigned to the Variable %Result%.

The following variables exist:

 %time%           - start time in format HH:MM
 %timeend%        - end time in format HH:MM
 %date%           - start date in format TT.MM.YY
 %datesh%         - start date in format TT.MM.
 %time_w%         - weekday name
 %time_d%         - start day in format TT
 %time_lng%       - start time in seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00
 %title%          - title
 %subtitle%       - subtitle
 %summary%        - summary
 %htmlsummary%    - summary, where all CR are replaced with '<br />'
 %eventid%        - numeric event ID
 %<epg-category>% - a value from the extended EPG categories, specified in
                    F<epgsearchcats.conf>, like %genre% or %category%
 %chnr%           - channel number
 %chsh%           - the short channel name
 %chlng%          - the 'normal' channel name
 %chdata%         - VDR's internal channel representation (e.g. 'S19.2E-1-1101-28106')
 %colon%          - the sign ':'
 %datenow%        - current date in format TT.MM.YY
 %dateshnow%      - current date in format TT.MM.
 %timenow%        - current time in format HH:MM
 %videodir%       - VDR video directory (e.g. /video)
 %plugconfdir%    - VDR plugin config directory (e.g. /etc/vdr/plugins)
 %epgsearchdir%   - epgsearch config directory (e.g. /etc/vdr/plugins/epgsearch)

See also "epgsearchcats.conf(5)".

 # Weekday, Date, Time
 %DateStr%=%time_w% %date% %time%
 # Themes or Subtitle or Date
 %ThemesSubtitleDate1%=%Subtitle% ? %Subtitle% : %DateStr%
 %ThemesSubtitleDate%=%Themes% ? %Themes% : %ThemesSubtitleDate1%
 # Calls this script to get a recording path

epgsearch(1), "epgsearchcats.conf(5)"

Mike Constabel <epgsearch (at) constabel (dot) net>

Bug reports (german):


Mailing list:


Copyright (C) 2004-2010 Christian Wieninger

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA Or, point your browser to http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html

The author can be reached at cwieninger@gmx.de

The project's page is at http://winni.vdr-developer.org/epgsearch

The MD5 code is derived from the RSA Data Security, Inc. MD5 Message-Digest Algorithm.

2022-01-12 perl v5.32.1