dpt-config(5) Debian Perl packaging Tools dpt-config(5)

dpt-config - dpt configuration

dpt(1) configuration lives in plain text files using POSIX shell syntax. The files are sourced by the tools, not parsed.

Configuration files are looked for in the following locations, in order, and every found file is sourced by the script, later files possibly overriding the previous ones.


When bugs in dpt(1) are fixed or new features are implemented in git but not yet available in the uploaded version, you may want to run dpt and its sub-scripts from your local clone of the pkg-perl-tools repository. This can be done by setting the following variables in .dpt.conf:

    # needed anyway, adjust path
    # specific for running from git
    export PERL5LIB=$DPT_PACKAGES/pkg-perl-tools/lib

If you keep your configuration files in a (potentially) public git repository, you might be wary of sticking tokens like DPT_GITHUB_OAUTH or DPT_SALSA_PRIVATE_TOKEN in your .dpt.conf. As .dpt.conf is just a shell fragment which gets sourced, you can put those variables in a different file (and don't commit this one). E.g.

    [ ! -e ~/.dpt.conf.$(hostname) ] || . ~/.dpt.conf.$(hostname)

Copyright 2013 Damyan Ivanov dmn@debian.org

Copyright 2018-2021 gregor herrmann gregoa@debian.org

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.

2024-03-04 pkg-perl-tools 0.78