coap-server, coap-server-gnutls, coap-server-mbedtls,
coap-server-openssl, coap-server-notls - CoAP Server based on libcoap
coap-server [-d max] [-e] [-g group]
[-l loss] [-p port] [-r] [-t] [-v num]
[-w [port][,secure_port]] [-A address] [-E
oscore_conf_file[,seq_file]] [-G group_if] [-L value]
[-N] [-P scheme://addr[:port],[name1[,name2..]]] [-T
max_token_size] [-U type] [-V num] [-X size]
[[-h hint] [-i match_identity_file] [-k key] [-s
match_psk_sni_file] [-u user]] [[-c certfile] [-j
keyfile] [-n] [-C cafile] [-J pkcs11_pin] [-M
rpk_file] [-R trust_casfile] [-S match_pki_sni_file]]
For coap-server versions that use libcoap compiled for
different (D)TLS libraries, coap-server-notls,
coap-server-gnutls, coap-server-openssl,
coap-server-mbedtls or coap-server-tinydtls may be available.
Otherwise, coap-server uses the default libcoap (D)TLS support.
coap-server is an example server for the 'Constrained
Application Protocol` (RFC 7252).
-d max
Enable support for creation of dynamic resources when
doing a PUT up to a limit of max. If max is reached, a 4.06 code
is returned until one of the dynamic resources has been deleted.
Echo back the data sent with a PUT.
-g group
Join specified multicast group on start up.
Note: DTLS over multicast is not currently supported.
-l list
Fail to send some datagrams specified by a comma
separated list of numbers or number ranges (debugging only).
-l loss%
Randomly failed to send datagrams with the specified
probability - 100% all datagrams, 0% no datagrams (debugging only).
-p port
The port on the given address will be listening
for incoming connections. If (D)TLS is supported, then port + 1 will
also be listened on for (D)TLS connections. The default port is 5683 if not
given any other value.
Enable multicast per resource support. If enabled, only
/, /async and /.well-known/core are enabled for multicast
requests support, otherwise all resources are enabled.
Track resource’s observe values so observe
subscriptions can be maintained over a server restart. Note: Use kill
SIGUSR2 <pid> for controlled shutdown.
-v num
The verbosity level to use (default 4, maximum is 8) for
general CoAP logging.
-w [port][,secure_port]
Enable WebSockets support support on port (WS) and/or
secure_port (WSS), comma separated.
-A address
The local address of the interface which the server has
to listen on.
-E oscore_conf_file[,seq_file]
oscore_conf_file contains OSCORE configuration.
See coap-oscore-conf(5) for definitions. Optional seq_file
(which is created if needed) is used to save the current transmit sequence
number, so on server restart sequence numbers continue to increase and are not
reset to prevent anti-replay mechanisms being triggered.
-G group_if
Use this interface for listening for the multicast group.
This can be different from the implied interface if the -A option is
-L value
Sum of one or more COAP_BLOCK_* flag values for different
block handling methods. Default is 1 (COAP_BLOCK_USE_LIBCOAP).
Send NON-confirmable message for "observe"
responses. If option -N is not specified, a confirmable response will
be sent. Even if set, every fifth response will still be sent as a confirmable
response (RFC 7641 requirement).
-P scheme://address[:port],[name1[,name2[,name3..]]]
Scheme, address, optional port of how to connect to the
next proxy server and zero or more names (comma separated) that this proxy
server is known by. The , (comma) is required. If there is no name1 or if the
hostname of the incoming proxy request matches one of these names, then this
server is considered to be the final endpoint. If scheme://address[:port] is
not defined before the leading , (comma) of the first name, then the ongoing
connection will be a direct connection. Scheme is one of coap, coaps, coap+tcp
and coaps+tcp.
-T max_token_size
Set the maximum token length (8-65804).
-U type
Treat address defined by -A as a Unix socket
address. Type is coap (using datagram), coap+tcp (using stream),
coaps (DTLS using datagram) or coaps+tcp (TLS using
-V num
The verbosity level to use (default 3, maximum is 7) for
(D)TLS library logging.
-X size
Maximum message size to use for TCP based connections
(default is 8388864). Maximum value of 2^32 -1.
(If supported by underlying (D)TLS library)
-h hint
Identity Hint to send. Default is CoAP. Zero
length is no hint.
-i match_identiity_file
This is a file that contains one or more lines of
Identity Hints and (user) Identities to match for a different new Pre-Shared
Key (PSK) (comma separated) to be used. E.g., per line
A line that starts with # is treated as a comment.
Note: -k still needs to be defined for the default
Note: A match using the -s option may mean that the current
Identity Hint is different to that defined by -h.
-k key
Pre-shared key to use for inbound connections. This
cannot be empty if defined.
Note: if -c cafile is defined, you need to define -k
key as well to have the server support both PSK and PKI.
-s match_psk_sni_file
This is a file that contains one or more lines of
received Subject Name Identifier (SNI) to match to use a different Identity
Hint and associated Pre-Shared Key (PSK) (comma separated) instead of the
-h hint and
-k key options. E.g., per line
Note: -k key still needs to be defined for the default case
if there is not a match.
Note: The associated Pre-Shared Key will get updated if there is
also a -i match. The update checking order is -s followed by
-u user
User identity for pre-shared key mode (only used if
option -P is set).
(If supported by underlying (D)TLS library)
Note: If any one of certfile, keyfile or
cafile is in PKCS11 URI naming format (pkcs11: prefix), then any
remaining non PKCS11 URI file definitions have to be in DER, not PEM,
format. Otherwise all of certfile, keyfile or cafile
are in PEM format.
-c certfile
PEM file or PKCS11 URI for the certificate. The private
key can also be in the PEM file, or has the same PKCS11 URI. If not, the
private key is defined by
-j keyfile.
Note: if -k key is defined, you need to define -c
certfile as well to have the server support both PSK and PKI.
-j keyfile
PEM file or PKCS11 URI for the private key for the
certificate in -c certfile if the parameter is different from certfile
in -c certfile.
Disable remote peer certificate checking. This gives
clients the ability to use PKI, but without any defined certificates.
-C cafile
PEM file or PKCS11 URI that contains a list of one or
more CAs that are to be passed to the client for the client to determine what
client certificate to use. Normally, this list of CAs would be the root CA and
and any intermediate CAs. Ideally the server certificate should be signed by
the same CA so that mutual authentication can take place. The contents of
cafile are added to the trusted store of root CAs. Using the -C
or -R options will will trigger the validation of the client
certificate unless overridden by the -n option.
-J pkcs11_pin
The user pin to unlock access to the PKCS11 token.
Raw Public Key (RPK) PEM file or PKCS11 URI that contains
TinyDTLS(PEM) support only). -C cafile or -R trust_casfile are
not required.
-R trust_casfile
PEM file containing the set of trusted root CAs that are
to be used to validate the client certificate. Alternatively, this can point
to a directory containing a set of CA PEM files. The -C cafile CA does
not have to be in this list and is trusted for the validation. Using -R
trust_casfile disables common CA mutual authentication which can only be
done by using -C cafile. Using the -C or -R options will
will trigger the validation of the server certificate unless overridden by the
-n option.
-S match_pki_sni_file
This option denotes a file that contains one or more
lines of Subject Name Identifier (SNI) to match for new certificate File and
new CA File (comma separated) to be used. E.g., entry per line
A line that starts with # is treated as a comment.
Note: -c certfile and -C cafile still needs to be
defined for the default case
Let the server listen on localhost (port 5683) for
coap-server -A ::1 -k mysecretKey -h myhint
Let the server listen on localhost (port 5683 for UDP/TCP
and port 5684 for DTLS/TLS) with the server set up for PSK
authentication if the client uses coaps:// or coaps+tcp://.
coap-server -A ::1 -k mysecretKey -h myhint -p 13011
The same, except the UDP/TCP listening port is 13011 and
the DTLS/TLS listening port is 13012 (and not the default ports
5683 and 5684).
coap-server -A 2001:db8:81a8:0:6ef0:dead:feed:beef -v 5
The listening address is set to
2001:db8:81a8:0:6ef0:dead:feed:beef and the verbosity level is set to
coap-server -A 2001:db8:81a8:0:6ef0:dead:feed:beef -g FF02::FD
Set listening address to
2001:db8:81a8:0:6ef0:dead:feed:beef and join the All CoAP Nodes
multicast group FF02::FD.
There are no configuration files.
Failure (syntax or usage error; configuration error;
document processing failure; unexpected error)
coap-client(5) and coap-oscore-conf(5)
Please report bugs on the mailing list for libcoap: or raise an issue on GitHub at
The libcoap project