cgroup.conf - Slurm configuration file for the cgroup support
cgroup.conf is an ASCII file which defines parameters used
by Slurm's Linux cgroup related plugins. The file will always be located in
the same directory as the slurm.conf.
Parameter names are case insensitive. Any text following a
"#" in the configuration file is treated as a comment through the
end of that line. Changes to the configuration file take effect upon restart
of Slurm daemons, daemon receipt of the SIGHUP signal, or execution of the
command "scontrol reconfigure" unless otherwise noted.
For general Slurm cgroups information, see the Cgroups Guide at
The following cgroup.conf parameters are defined to control the
general behavior of Slurm cgroup plugins.
- CgroupMountpoint=PATH
- Only intended for development and testing. Specifies the PATH under
which cgroup controllers should be mounted. The default PATH is
- CgroupPlugin=<cgroup/v1|cgroup/v2|autodetect>
- Specify the plugin to be used when interacting with the cgroup subsystem.
Supported values at the moment are "cgroup/v1" which supports
the legacy interface of cgroup v1, "cgroup/v2" for unified
architecture, or "autodetect" which tries to determine which
cgroup version does your system provide. This is useful if nodes have
support for different cgroup versions. The default value is
- IgnoreSystemd=<yes|no>
- Only for cgroup/v2 and for development and testing. It will avoid any call
to dbus and contact with systemd, and instead will prepare all the cgroup
hierarchy manually. This option is dangerous in systems with systemd since
the cgroup can be modified by systemd and cause issues to jobs.
- IgnoreSystemdOnFailure=<yes|no>
- Only for cgroup/v2 and for development and testing. It has similar
functionality to IgnoreSystemd but only in the case that a dbus
call does not succeed.
- EnableControllers=<yes|no>
- Only for cgroup/v2 and generally for development and testing. It gets the
available controllers from the root (CgroupMountPoint, by default
/sys/fs/cgroup/) and makes them available in all levels of the cgroup tree
until it reaches Slurm's cgroup leaf.
The following cgroup.conf parameters are defined to control the
behavior of this particular plugin:
- AllowedRAMSpace=<number>
- Constrain the job/step cgroup RAM to this percentage of the allocated
memory. The percentage supplied may be expressed as floating point number,
e.g. 101.5. Sets the cgroup soft memory limit at the allocated memory size
and then sets the job/step hard memory limit at the (AllowedRAMSpace/100)
* allocated memory. If the job/step exceeds the hard limit, then it might
trigger Out Of Memory (OOM) events (including oom-kill) which will be
logged to kernel log ring buffer (dmesg in Linux). Setting AllowedRAMSpace
above 100 may cause system Out of Memory (OOM) events as it allows
job/step to allocate more memory than configured to the nodes. Reducing
configured node available memory to avoid system OOM events is suggested.
Setting AllowedRAMSpace below 100 will result in jobs receiving less
memory than allocated and soft memory limit will set to the same value as
the hard limit. Also see ConstrainRAMSpace. The default value is
- AllowedSwapSpace=<number>
- Constrain the job cgroup swap space to this percentage of the allocated
memory. The default value is 0, which means that RAM+Swap will be limited
to AllowedRAMSpace. The supplied percentage may be expressed as a
floating point number, e.g. 50.5. If the limit is exceeded, the job steps
will be killed and a warning message will be written to standard error.
Also see ConstrainSwapSpace. NOTE: Setting AllowedSwapSpace
to 0 does not restrict the Linux kernel from using swap space. To control
how the kernel uses swap space, see MemorySwappiness.
- ConstrainCores=<yes|no>
- If configured to "yes" then constrain allowed cores to the
subset of allocated resources. This functionality makes use of the cpuset
subsystem. Due to a bug fixed in version 1.11.5 of HWLOC, the
task/affinity plugin may be required in addition to task/cgroup for this
to function properly. The default value is "no".
- ConstrainDevices=<yes|no>
- If configured to "yes" then constrain the job's allowed devices
based on GRES allocated resources. It uses the devices subsystem for that.
The default value is "no".
- ConstrainRAMSpace=<yes|no>
- If configured to "yes" then constrain the job's RAM usage by
setting the memory soft limit to the allocated memory and the hard limit
to the allocated memory * AllowedRAMSpace. The default value is
"no", in which case the job's RAM limit will be set to its swap
space limit if ConstrainSwapSpace is set to "yes".
CR_*_Memory must be set in slurm.conf for this parameter to take any
effect. Also see AllowedSwapSpace, AllowedRAMSpace and
NOTE: When using ConstrainRAMSpace, if the
combined memory used by all processes in a step is greater than the
limit, then the kernel will trigger an OOM event, killing one or more of
the processes in the step. The step state will be marked as OOM, but the
step itself will keep running and other processes in the step may
continue to run as well. This differs from the behavior of
OverMemoryKill, where the whole step will be
NOTE: When enabled, ConstrainRAMSpace can lead to a
noticeable decline in per-node job throughout. Sites with
high-throughput requirements should carefully weigh the tradeoff between
per-node throughput, versus potential problems that can arise from
unconstrained memory usage on the node. See
<> for further
- ConstrainSwapSpace=<yes|no>
- If configured to "yes" then constrain the job's swap space
usage. The default value is "no". Note that when set to
"yes" and ConstrainRAMSpace is set to "no",
AllowedRAMSpace is automatically set to 100% in order to limit the
RAM+Swap amount to 100% of job's requirement plus the percent of allowed
swap space. This amount is thus set to both RAM and RAM+Swap limits. This
means that in that particular case, ConstrainRAMSpace is automatically
enabled with the same limit as the one used to constrain swap space.
CR_*_Memory must be set in slurm.conf for this parameter to take any
effect. Also see AllowedSwapSpace.
- Set an upper bound in percent of total RAM (configured RealMemory of the
node) on the RAM constraint for a job. This will be the memory constraint
applied to jobs that are not explicitly allocated memory by Slurm (i.e.
Slurm's select plugin is not configured to manage memory allocations). The
PERCENT may be an arbitrary floating point number. The default
value is 100.
- MaxSwapPercent=PERCENT
- Set an upper bound (in percent of total RAM, configured RealMemory of the
node) on the amount of RAM+Swap that may be used for a job. This will be
the swap limit applied to jobs on systems where memory is not being
explicitly allocated to job. The PERCENT may be an arbitrary
floating point number between 0 and 100. The default value is 100.
- MemorySwappiness=<number>
- Only for cgroup/v1. Configure the kernel's priority for swapping out
anonymous pages (such as program data) verses file cache pages for the job
cgroup. Valid values are between 0 and 100, inclusive. A value of 0
prevents the kernel from swapping out program data. A value of 100 gives
equal priority to swapping out file cache or anonymous pages. If not set,
then the kernel's default swappiness value will be used.
ConstrainSwapSpace must be set to yes in order for this
parameter to be applied.
- MinRAMSpace=<number>
- Set a lower bound (in MB) on the memory limits defined by
AllowedRAMSpace and AllowedSwapSpace. This prevents
accidentally creating a memory cgroup with such a low limit that
slurmstepd is immediately killed due to lack of RAM. The default limit is
The following cgroup.conf parameters are defined to control the
behavior of this particular plugin:
- SignalChildrenProcesses=<yes|no>
- If configured to "yes", then send signals (for cancelling,
suspending, resuming, etc.) to all children processes in a job/step.
Otherwise, only send signals to the parent process of a job/step. The
default setting is "no".
Debian and derivatives (e.g. Ubuntu) usually exclude the memory
and memsw (swap) cgroups by default. To include them, add the following
parameters to the kernel command line: cgroup_enable=memory
This can usually be placed in /etc/default/grub inside the
GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX variable. A command such as update-grub must be
run after updating the file.
- /etc/slurm/cgroup.conf:
- This example cgroup.conf file shows a configuration that enables the more
commonly used cgroup enforcement mechanisms.
# Slurm cgroup support configuration file.
- /etc/slurm/slurm.conf:
- These are the entries required in slurm.conf to activate the cgroup
enforcement mechanisms. Make sure that the node definitions in your
slurm.conf closely match the configuration as shown by
"slurmd -C". Either MemSpecLimit should be set or
RealMemory should be defined with less than the actual amount of memory
for a node to ensure that all system/non-job processes will have
sufficient memory at all times. Sites should also configure
pam_slurm_adopt to ensure users can not escape the cgroups via
# Slurm configuration entries for cgroups
JobAcctGatherType=jobacct_gather/cgroup #optional for gathering metrics
PrologFlags=Contain #X11 flag is also suggested
Copyright (C) 2010-2012 Lawrence Livermore National Security.
Produced at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (cf, DISCLAIMER).
Copyright (C) 2010-2022 SchedMD LLC.
This file is part of Slurm, a resource management program. For
details, see <>.
Slurm is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option)
any later version.
Slurm is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
more details.