cgioptions.cfg - Command-line parameters for the Xymon CGI tools


cgioptions.cfg(1) controls the command-line options passed to all of the Xymon CGI tools through their respective shell-script wrappers. Typically the options listed here are used for system-wide configuration of the CGI utilities, e.g. to define where they read configuration files.

The exact set of command-line options available are described in the man-page for each of the CGI utilities.

The file is "sourced" into the shell script wrapper, so assignments to the CGI-specific variables must follow standard shell-script syntax.

Options for the ackinfo.cgi(1) utility.

Options for the acknowledge.cgi(1) utility.

Options for the csvinfo.cgi(1) utility.

Options for the datepage.cgi(1) utility.

Options for the enadis.cgi(8) utility.

Options for the eventlog.cgi(1) utility.

Options for the findhost.cgi(1) utility.

Options for the history.cgi(1) utility.

Xymon-specific options for column documentation. This uses the csvinfo.cgi(1) utility with the server/etc/columndoc.cfg configuration file.

Options for the confreport.cgi(1) utility.

Options for the showgraph.cgi(1) utility.

Options for the hostgraphs.cgi(1) utility.

Options for the criticaleditor.cgi(1) utility.

Options for the criticalview.cgi(1) utility.

Options for the reportlog.cgi(1) utility.

Options for the report.cgi(1) utility.

Options for the snapshot.cgi(1) utility.

Options for the svcstatus.cgi(1) utility when used to view historical logs. Note that the "--historical" option must be included in this setting.

Options for the svcstatus.cgi(1) utility.

xymon(7), the individual CGI utility man-pages.

Version 4.3.30: 4 Sep 2019 Xymon