burst_buffer.conf - Slurm configuration file for burst buffer
burst_buffer.conf is an ASCII file which describes the
configuration of burst buffer resource management. This file is only
required on the head node(s), where the slurmctld daemon executes. The file
will always be located in the same directory as the slurm.conf.
Parameter names are case insensitive. Any text following a
"#" in the configuration file is treated as a comment through the
end of that line. Changes to the configuration file take effect upon restart
of Slurm daemons, daemon receipt of the SIGHUP signal, or execution of the
command "scontrol reconfigure".
The configuration parameters available include:
- AllowUsers
- Comma separated list of user names and/or IDs permitted to use burst
buffers. The options AllowUsers and DenyUsers can not both
be specified. By default all users are permitted to use burst
- DefaultPool
- Name of the pool used by default for resource allocations. The default
value is the first pool reported by the burst buffer infrastructure. This
option is only used by the burst_buffer/datawarp plugin.
- DenyUsers
- Colon delimited list of user names and/or IDs prevented from using burst
buffers. The options AllowUsers and DenyUsers can not both
be specified. By default all users are permitted to use burst
- Directive
- The string that must be used by a job to request a burst buffer. This
string must be immediately preceded by a single '#' character. This is
currently only used by the lua plugin. For the lua plugin, the default
value is "BB_LUA". See burst_buffer.html for more details.
- Flags
- String used to control various functions. Multiple options may be comma
separated. Supported options include:
- DisablePersistent
- Prevents regular users from being able to create and destroy persistent
burst buffers. This is the default behavior, only privileged users (Slurm
operators and administrators) can create or destroy persistent burst
- EmulateCray
- Emulating a Cray DataWarp system using the dw_wlm_cli script in the
burst_buffer/datawarp plugin. This is only used by the datawarp
- EnablePersistent
- Enables regular users to create and destroy persistent burst buffers. By
default, only privileged users (Slurm operators and administrators) can
create or destroy persistent burst buffers. This is only used by the
datawarp plugin.
- PrivateData
- If set, then only Slurm operators and the burst buffer owner can see burst
buffer data.
- TeardownFailure
- If set, then teardown a burst buffer after file staging error. Otherwise
preserve the burst buffer for analysis and manual teardown.
- GetSysState
- Fully qualified path name of a program which will return the current burst
buffer state. For the DataWarp plugin, this should be the path of the
dw_wlm_cli command and its default value is
/opt/cray/dw_wlm/default/bin/dw_wlm_cli. This is not used by the lua
- GetSysStatus
- Fully qualified path name of a program which will return the current burst
buffer status. For the DataWarp plugin, this should be the path of the
dwstat command and its default value is
/opt/cray/dws/default/bin/dwstat. This is not used by the lua plugin.
- OtherTimeout
- If a burst buffer operation (other than job validation, stage in, or stage
out) runs for longer than this number of seconds, the job will be placed
in a held state. A Slurm administrator will be required to release the
job. By default there is a 300 second (5 minute) timeout for these
operations. Also see StageInTimeout, StageOutTimeout, and
ValidateTimeout options. For the lua plugin, the maximum timeout
value is 2073600 seconds (24 days).
- PrivateData
- If set to "true" then users will only be able to view burst
buffers they can use. Slurm administrators will still be able to view all
burst buffers. By default, users can view all burst buffers.
- StageInTimeout
- If the stage in of files for a job takes more than this number of seconds,
the burst buffer will be released and the job will be placed in a held
state. A Slurm administrator will be required to release the job. By
default there is a one day timeout for the stage in process. For the lua
plugin, the maximum timeout value is 2073600 seconds (24 days).
- StageOutTimeout
- If the stage out of files for a job takes more than this number of
seconds, the burst buffer will be released and the job will be purged. By
default there is a one day timeout for the stage out process. For the lua
plugin, the maximum timeout value is 2073600 seconds (24 days).
- ValidateTimeout
- If the validation of a job submission request takes more than this number
of seconds, the submission will be rejected. The value of
ValidateTimeout must be less than the value of
MessageTimeout configured in the slurm.conf file or job submission
requests may fail with a response timeout error. By default there is a 5
second timeout for the validation operations. In the lua plugin, because
the validation operation cannot be killed, this option is not used.
Copyright (C) 2014-2022 SchedMD LLC.
This file is part of Slurm, a resource management program. For
details, see <https://slurm.schedmd.com/>.
Slurm is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option)
any later version.
Slurm is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
more details.