GeoIP.conf - Configuration file for geoipupdate
This file allows you to configure your geoipupdate program to
download GeoIP2 and GeoLite2 databases.
The file consists of one setting per line. Lines starting with #
are comments and will not be processed. All setting keywords are case
- AccountID
- Your MaxMind account ID. This was formerly known as UserId. This can be
overridden at run time by either the GEOIPUPDATE_ACCOUNT_ID or the
GEOIPUPDATE_ACCOUNT_ID_FILE environment variables.
- LicenseKey
- Your case-sensitive MaxMind license key. This can be overridden at run
environment variables.
- EditionIDs
- List of space-separated database edition IDs. Edition IDs may consist of
letters, digits, and dashes. For example, GeoIP2-City would download the
GeoIP2 City database (GeoIP2-City). This can be overridden at run time by
the GEOIPUPDATE_EDITION_IDS environment variable. Note: this was formerly
called ProductIds.
- DatabaseDirectory
- The directory to store the database files. If not set, the default is
/var/lib/GeoIP. This can be overridden at run time by the
GEOIPUPDATE_DB_DIR environment variable or the -d command line
- Host
- The host name of the server to use. The default is
This can be overridden at run time by the GEOIPUPDATE_HOST environment
- Proxy
- The proxy host name or IP address. You may optionally specify a port
number, e.g., If no port number is specified, 1080 will be
used. This can be overridden at run time by the GEOIPUPDATE_PROXY
environment variable.
- ProxyUserPassword
- The proxy user name and password, separated by a colon. For instance,
username:password. This can be overridden at run time by the
- PreserveFileTimes
- Whether to preserve modification times of files downloaded from the
server. This option is either 0 or 1. The default is 0. This can be
overridden at run time by the GEOIPUPDATE_PRESERVE_FILE_TIMES environment
- LockFile
- The lock file to use. This ensures only one geoipupdate process can run at
a time. Note: Once created, this lockfile is not removed from the
filesystem. The default is .geoipupdate.lock under the DatabaseDirectory.
This can be overridden at run time by the GEOIPUPDATE_LOCK_FILE
environment variable.
- RetryFor
- The amount of time to retry for when errors during HTTP transactions are
encountered. It can be specified as a (possibly fractional) decimal number
followed by a unit suffix. Valid time units are ns, us (or µs), ms,
s, m, h. The default is 5m (5 minutes). This can be overridden at run time
by the GEOIPUPDATE_RETRY_FOR environment variable.
- Parallelism
- The maximum number of parallel database downloads. The default is 1, which
means that databases will be downloaded sequentially. This can be
overridden at run time by the GEOIPUPDATE_PARALLELISM environment variable
or the --parallelism command line argument.
The following are deprecated and will be ignored if present: