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m-gif - GIF87a and annimated GIF89a format (MedCon)
The Graphics Interchange Format from CompuServe allows between 1 and 8 bits of color information with an RGB color palette. The image arrays are compressed with an LZW coding. The extension of the file is `.gif'.
The basic defines for the format:
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- typedef struct { char sig[6]; /* GIF87a or GIF89a */ Uint16 screenwidth,screenheight; /* screen dimensions */ Uint8 flags,background,aspect; /* background color, ratio */ } MDC_GIFHEADER; #define MDC_GIF_GH_SIZE 13 typedef struct { Uint16 left,top,width,height; /* image dimensions */ Uint8 flags; } MDC_GIFIMAGEBLOCK; #define MDC_GIF_IBLK_SIZE 9 typedef struct { /* display information */ Uint8 blocksize; Uint8 flags; Uint16 delay; Uint8 transparent_colour; Uint8 terminator; } MDC_GIFCONTROLBLOCK; #define MDC_GIF_CBLK_SIZE 6 typedef struct { /* plain text block */ Uint8 blocksize; Uint16 left,top; Uint16 gridwidth,gridheight; Uint8 cellwidth,cellheight; Uint8 forecolour,backcolour; } MDC_GIFPLAINTEXT; #define MDC_GIF_TBLK_SIZE 13 typedef struct { /* application block */ Uint8 blocksize; char applstring[8]; char authentication[3]; } MDC_GIFAPPLICATION; #define MDC_GIF_ABLK_SIZE 12 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
What does the format support or not support:
=========================================================================== Item Supported Not Supported =========================================================================== Color Map : max 256 RGB colors - File Endian : little big Pixeltypes : Uint8 - =========================================================================== Scaling factors : quantify & calibrate factors/image are NOT supported --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dimensions/Image : different dimensions for each image are supported --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pixeltypes/Image : different pixeltypes for each image are NOT supported ===========================================================================
Because of the flexible nature of the GIF format it could be possible to
include scaling factors per image with the GIF extension blocks, but more
about this later. The image is stored from left to right and from top to
bottom, unless the images are interlaced.
First some explanation on the GIF format and its different structures.
The GIFHEADER structure
This data structure is the very first information in a GIF file:
The number of color bits: ((gh.flags & 0x0007) + 1) The number of colors : (1 << ((gh.flags & 0x0007) + 1)if (gh.flags > 0x0008) is true, the color palette is sorted with the most important colors first. This bit is low in GIF87a.
After reading the GIFHEADER and any global colormap, there should be a `block
separator' which introduce the following block of GIF information. There are
three kind of `block separators' : a comma, an exclamation mark and a
',' => the next block will be an image '!' => the next block will be an extension ';' => the end of the GIF file
The image block after a comma consists of the IMAGEBLOCK structure and the
compressed image. The IMAGEBLOCK structure defines the nature of the image
and supersedes the global definitions.
The IMAGEBLOCK extension
The next byte, after the IMAGEBLOCK should be the initial image code
size The compressed image consists of subblocks of code, of which
the first byte gives the amount of code bytes that follow. The last block is
a zero-length block. This is how you could skip an image:
FILE *fp; int i,n; do { n = fgetc(fp); /* get code size */ if (n != EOF) { for (i=0; i<n; i++) fgetc(fp); /* skip the block */ } }while( (n != 0) && (n != EOF)) /* read the next block, if any */
After reading this hole image block, the next byte should be again a `block
separator'. If this separator is an exclamation mark, the following block is
an extension. The GIF extension blocks allow additional features.
The COMMENT extension
This is a very simple extension. The byte 0xfe after a block separator,
introduces a comment block. It contains text that does not make part of the
image. The comment block is stored as subblocks, ending with a zero-length
subblock (or endblock).
The PLAINTEXT extension
This is identified by the byte 0x01 after the block separator. The data
structure follows this byte.
The next data after this structure is the text itself, stored in data
subblocks just like the comment block is.
The CONTROLBLOCK extension
A GIF file with more then one picture also contains a CONTROLBLOCK extension.
The byte 0xf9 after the block separator, represents this graphics
control block. Following this byte is the data structure.
0 = do nothing 1 = leave it 2 = restore with the background color 3 = restore with the previous graphic
The APPLICATION extension
The final extension is the APPLICATION block. The application data structure
is identified by the byte 0xff just after the block separator.
The APPLICATION block extension can be followed by subblocks, ending with a
zero-length subblock.
A special kind of APPLICATION block extension is the LOOPBLOCK
extension used for annimated GIF files in concern to Netscape Navigator.
This block comes between the GIFHEADER and IMAGEBLOCK data structures. It
contains the following items:
1. An application block ap.blocksize = 0x0b; ap.applstring = "NETSCAPE"; ap.authentication = "2.0"; 2. subblock of 3 bytes: 0x03 0x01,0xe8,0x03 3. endblock of 0 bytes: 0x00
For complete information on the GIF format, we liked reading this
``Supercharged Bitmapped Graphics''
written by Steve Rimmer
published by Windcrest/McGraw-Hill
ISBN: 0-8306-3788-5
/usr/local/xmedcon/source/m-gif.h The header file. /usr/local/xmedcon/source/m-gif.c The source file.
medcon(1), xmedcon(1), xmedcon-config(1)
m-acr(4), m-anlz(4), m-inw(4), m-intf(4), m-ecat(4)
(X)MedCon project was originally written by Erik Nolf (eNlf) for the former PET-Centre at Ghent University (Belgium).
e-mail: | enlf-at-users.sourceforge.net | www: | http://xmedcon.sourceforge.net |