ZIP_SOURCE_STAT(3) Library Functions Manual ZIP_SOURCE_STAT(3)

zip_source_statget information about zip_source

libzip (-lzip)

#include <zip.h>

zip_source_stat(zip_source_t *source, zip_stat_t *sb);

The () function obtains information about the zip source source

The sb argument is a pointer to a struct zip_source_stat (shown below), into which information about the zip source is placed.

struct zip_source_stat {
    zip_uint64_t valid;                 /* which fields have valid values */
    const char *name;                   /* name of the file */
    zip_uint64_t index;                 /* index within archive */
    zip_uint64_t size;                  /* size of file (uncompressed) */
    zip_uint64_t comp_size;             /* size of file (compressed) */
    time_t mtime;                       /* modification time */
    zip_uint32_t crc;                   /* crc of file data */
    zip_uint16_t comp_method;           /* compression method used */
    zip_uint16_t encryption_method;     /* encryption method used */
    zip_uint32_t flags;                 /* reserved for future use */
The structure pointed to by sb must be initialized with (3) before calling zip_source_stat().

The valid field of the structure specifies which other fields are valid. Check if the flag defined by the following defines are in valid before accessing the fields:

: Some fields may only be filled out after all data has been read from the source, for example the crc or size fields.

Upon successful completion 0 is returned. Otherwise, -1 is returned and the error information in source is set to indicate the error.

libzip(3), zip_source(3)

zip_source_stat() was added in libzip 1.0.

Dieter Baron <> and Thomas Klausner <>

December 18, 2017 Debian