zframe - Class for working with single message frames

//  This is a stable class, and may not change except for emergencies. It
//  is provided in stable builds.
//  This class has draft methods, which may change over time. They are not
//  in stable releases, by default. Use --enable-drafts to enable.
#define ZFRAME_MORE 1                        //
#define ZFRAME_REUSE 2                       //
#define ZFRAME_DONTWAIT 4                    //
//  Create a new frame. If size is not null, allocates the frame data
//  to the specified size. If additionally, data is not null, copies
//  size octets from the specified data into the frame body.
CZMQ_EXPORT zframe_t *
    zframe_new (const void *data, size_t size);
//  Create an empty (zero-sized) frame
CZMQ_EXPORT zframe_t *
    zframe_new_empty (void);
//  Create a frame with a specified string content.
CZMQ_EXPORT zframe_t *
    zframe_from (const char *string);
//  Receive frame from socket, returns zframe_t object or NULL if the recv
//  was interrupted. Does a blocking recv, if you want to not block then use
//  zpoller or zloop.
CZMQ_EXPORT zframe_t *
    zframe_recv (void *source);
//  Destroy a frame
    zframe_destroy (zframe_t **self_p);
//  Send a frame to a socket, destroy frame after sending.
//  Return -1 on error, 0 on success.
    zframe_send (zframe_t **self_p, void *dest, int flags);
//  Return number of bytes in frame data
    zframe_size (zframe_t *self);
//  Return address of frame data
    zframe_data (zframe_t *self);
//  Return meta data property for frame
//  The caller shall not modify or free the returned value, which shall be
//  owned by the message.
CZMQ_EXPORT const char *
    zframe_meta (zframe_t *self, const char *property);
//  Create a new frame that duplicates an existing frame. If frame is null,
//  or memory was exhausted, returns null.
//  Caller owns return value and must destroy it when done.
CZMQ_EXPORT zframe_t *
    zframe_dup (zframe_t *self);
//  Return frame data encoded as printable hex string, useful for 0MQ UUIDs.
//  Caller must free string when finished with it.
//  Caller owns return value and must destroy it when done.
    zframe_strhex (zframe_t *self);
//  Return frame data copied into freshly allocated string
//  Caller must free string when finished with it.
//  Caller owns return value and must destroy it when done.
    zframe_strdup (zframe_t *self);
//  Return TRUE if frame body is equal to string, excluding terminator
    zframe_streq (zframe_t *self, const char *string);
//  Return frame MORE indicator (1 or 0), set when reading frame from socket
//  or by the zframe_set_more() method
    zframe_more (zframe_t *self);
//  Set frame MORE indicator (1 or 0). Note this is NOT used when sending
//  frame to socket, you have to specify flag explicitly.
    zframe_set_more (zframe_t *self, int more);
//  Return TRUE if two frames have identical size and data
//  If either frame is NULL, equality is always false.
    zframe_eq (zframe_t *self, zframe_t *other);
//  Set new contents for frame
    zframe_reset (zframe_t *self, const void *data, size_t size);
//  Send message to zsys log sink (may be stdout, or system facility as
//  configured by zsys_set_logstream). Prefix shows before frame, if not null.
//  Long messages are truncated.
    zframe_print (zframe_t *self, const char *prefix);
//  Probe the supplied object, and report if it looks like a zframe_t.
    zframe_is (void *self);
//  Self test of this class.
    zframe_test (bool verbose);
// Destroy an item
typedef void (zframe_destructor_fn) (
    void **hint);
//  *** Draft method, for development use, may change without warning ***
//  Create a new frame from memory. Take ownership of the memory and calling the destructor
//  on destroy.
CZMQ_EXPORT zframe_t *
    zframe_frommem (void *data, size_t size, zframe_destructor_fn destructor, void *hint);
//  *** Draft method, for development use, may change without warning ***
//  Return frame routing ID, if the frame came from a ZMQ_SERVER socket.
//  Else returns zero.
CZMQ_EXPORT uint32_t
    zframe_routing_id (zframe_t *self);
//  *** Draft method, for development use, may change without warning ***
//  Set routing ID on frame. This is used if/when the frame is sent to a
//  ZMQ_SERVER socket.
    zframe_set_routing_id (zframe_t *self, uint32_t routing_id);
//  *** Draft method, for development use, may change without warning ***
//  Return frame group of radio-dish pattern.
CZMQ_EXPORT const char *
    zframe_group (zframe_t *self);
//  *** Draft method, for development use, may change without warning ***
//  Set group on frame. This is used if/when the frame is sent to a
//  ZMQ_RADIO socket.
//  Return -1 on error, 0 on success.
    zframe_set_group (zframe_t *self, const char *group);
//  *** Draft method, for development use, may change without warning ***
//  Send message to zsys log sink (may be stdout, or system facility as
//  configured by zsys_set_logstream). Prefix shows before frame, if not null.
//  Message length is specified; no truncation unless length is zero.
//  Backwards compatible with zframe_print when length is zero.
    zframe_print_n (zframe_t *self, const char *prefix, size_t length);
Please add '@interface' section in './../src/zframe.c'.

The zframe class provides methods to send and receive single message frames across 0MQ sockets. A frame corresponds to one zmq_msg_t. When you read a frame from a socket, the zframe_more() method indicates if the frame is part of an unfinished multipart message. The zframe_send method normally destroys the frame, but with the ZFRAME_REUSE flag, you can send the same frame many times. Frames are binary, and this class has no special support for text data.

Please add @discuss section in ./../src/zframe.c.

From zframe_test method.

//  Create two PAIR sockets and connect over TCP
zsock_t *output = zsock_new (ZMQ_PAIR);
assert (output);
int port = zsock_bind (output, "tcp://*");
assert (port != -1);
zsock_t *input = zsock_new (ZMQ_PAIR);
assert (input);
rc = zsock_connect (input, "tcp://", port);
assert (rc != -1);
//  Send five different frames, test ZFRAME_MORE
int frame_nbr;
for (frame_nbr = 0; frame_nbr < 5; frame_nbr++) {
    frame = zframe_new ("Hello", 5);
    assert (frame);
    rc = zframe_send (&frame, output, ZFRAME_MORE);
    assert (rc == 0);
//  Send same frame five times, test ZFRAME_REUSE
frame = zframe_new ("Hello", 5);
assert (frame);
for (frame_nbr = 0; frame_nbr < 5; frame_nbr++) {
    rc = zframe_send (&frame, output, ZFRAME_MORE + ZFRAME_REUSE);
    assert (rc == 0);
assert (frame);
zframe_t *copy = zframe_dup (frame);
assert (zframe_eq (frame, copy));
zframe_destroy (&frame);
assert (!zframe_eq (frame, copy));
assert (zframe_size (copy) == 5);
zframe_destroy (&copy);
assert (!zframe_eq (frame, copy));
//  Test zframe_new_empty
frame = zframe_new_empty ();
assert (frame);
assert (zframe_size (frame) == 0);
zframe_destroy (&frame);
//  Send END frame
frame = zframe_new ("NOT", 3);
assert (frame);
zframe_reset (frame, "END", 3);
char *string = zframe_strhex (frame);
assert (streq (string, "454E44"));
freen (string);
string = zframe_strdup (frame);
assert (streq (string, "END"));
freen (string);
rc = zframe_send (&frame, output, 0);
assert (rc == 0);
//  Read and count until we receive END
frame_nbr = 0;
for (frame_nbr = 0;; frame_nbr++) {
    zframe_t *frame = zframe_recv (input);
    if (zframe_streq (frame, "END")) {
        zframe_destroy (&frame);
    assert (zframe_more (frame));
    zframe_set_more (frame, 0);
    assert (zframe_more (frame) == 0);
    zframe_destroy (&frame);
assert (frame_nbr == 10);
// Test zframe_meta
frame = zframe_new ("Hello", 5);
assert (frame);
rc = zframe_send (&frame, output, 0);
assert (rc == 0);
frame = zframe_recv (input);
const char *meta = zframe_meta (frame, "Socket-Type");
assert (meta != NULL);
assert (streq (meta, "PAIR"));
assert (zframe_meta (frame, "nonexistent") == NULL);
zframe_destroy (&frame);
zsock_destroy (&input);
zsock_destroy (&output);
#if defined (ZMQ_SERVER)
//  Create server and client sockets and connect over inproc
zsock_t *server = zsock_new_server ("inproc://zframe-test-routing");
assert (server);
zsock_t *client = zsock_new_client ("inproc://zframe-test-routing");
assert (client);
//  Send request from client to server
zframe_t *request = zframe_new ("Hello", 5);
assert (request);
rc = zframe_send (&request, client, 0);
assert (rc == 0);
assert (!request);
//  Read request and send reply
request = zframe_recv (server);
assert (request);
assert (zframe_streq (request, "Hello"));
assert (zframe_routing_id (request));
zframe_t *reply = zframe_new ("World", 5);
assert (reply);
zframe_set_routing_id (reply, zframe_routing_id (request));
rc = zframe_send (&reply, server, 0);
assert (rc == 0);
zframe_destroy (&request);
//  Read reply
reply = zframe_recv (client);
assert (zframe_streq (reply, "World"));
assert (zframe_routing_id (reply) == 0);
zframe_destroy (&reply);
//  Client and server disallow multipart
frame = zframe_new ("Hello", 5);
rc = zframe_send (&frame, client, ZFRAME_MORE);
assert (rc == -1);
rc = zframe_send (&frame, server, ZFRAME_MORE);
assert (rc == -1);
zframe_destroy (&frame);
zsock_destroy (&client);
zsock_destroy (&server);
#ifdef ZMQ_RADIO
//  Create radio and dish sockets and connect over inproc
zsock_t *radio = zsock_new_radio ("inproc://zframe-test-radio");
assert (radio);
zsock_t *dish = zsock_new_dish ("inproc://zframe-test-radio");
assert (dish);
//  Join the group
rc = zsock_join (dish, "World");
assert (rc == 0);
//  Publish message from radio
zframe_t *message = zframe_new ("Hello", 5);
assert (message);
rc = zframe_set_group (message, "World");
assert (rc == 0);
rc = zframe_send (&message, radio, 0);
assert (rc == 0);
assert (!message);
//  Receive the message from dish
message = zframe_recv (dish);
assert (message);
assert (zframe_streq (message, "Hello"));
assert (strcmp("World", zframe_group (message)) == 0);
zframe_destroy (&message);
zsock_destroy (&dish);
zsock_destroy (&radio);
frame = zframe_new ("Hello", 5);
rc = zframe_set_group (frame, "World");
assert(rc == -1);
assert(errno == ENOTSUP);
zframe_destroy (&frame);
char str[] = "hello";
frame = zframe_frommem (str, 5, mem_destructor, str);
assert (frame);
zframe_destroy (&frame);
//  The destructor doesn't free the memory, only changing the strid,
//  so we can check if the destructor was invoked
assert (streq (str, "world"));
// zframe_print tests
zsys_set_logstream(verbose ? stdout : NULL);
// == No data ==
frame = zframe_new ("", 0);
// no prefix, backwards compatible
//  - emits nothing but the timestamp
zframe_print (frame, "");
zframe_print_n (frame, "", 0);
// prefix, backwards compatible
//  - emits nothing but the timestamp
zframe_print (frame, "Prefix");
zframe_print_n (frame, "Prefix", 0);
// len > data
//  - emits nothing but the timestamp
zframe_print_n (frame, "", 15);
zframe_print_n (frame, "Prefix", 15);
// max len
//  - emits nothing but the timestamp
zframe_print_n (frame, "", -1);
zframe_print_n (frame, "Prefix", -1);
zframe_destroy (&frame);
// == Short data ==
frame = zframe_new ("Hello there!", 12);
// no prefix, backwards compatible: ellipsis
//  - "[012] Hello there!"
zframe_print (frame, "");
zframe_print_n (frame, "", 0);
// prefix, backwards compatible: ellipsis
//  - "Prefix[012] Hello there!"
zframe_print (frame, "Prefix");
zframe_print_n (frame, "Prefix", 0);
// len < data
//  - "[012] Hello"
//  - "Prefix[012] Hello"
zframe_print_n (frame, "", 5);
zframe_print_n (frame, "Prefix", 5);
// len > data
//  - "[012] Hello there!"
//  - "Prefix[012] Hello there!"
zframe_print_n (frame, "", 15);
zframe_print_n (frame, "Prefix", 15);
// max len
//  - "[012] Hello there!"
//  - "Prefix[012] Hello there!"
zframe_print_n (frame, "", -1);
zframe_print_n (frame, "Prefix", -1);
zframe_destroy (&frame);
// == Long data ==
frame = zframe_new ("Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin finibus ligula et aliquam tristique. Phasellus consequat, enim et blandit varius, sapien diam faucibus lorem, non ultricies lacus turpis sed lectus. Vivamus id elit urna. In sit amet lacinia mauris. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Integer ut cursus diam. Vestibulum semper vel leo eu finibus. Ut urna magna, commodo vel auctor sed, eleifend quis lacus. Aenean quis ipsum et velit auctor ultrices.", 519);
// no prefix, backwards compatible: ellipsis
//  - "[070] Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin finibus..."
zframe_print (frame, "");
zframe_print_n (frame, "", 0);
// prefix, backwards compatible: ellipsis
//  - "Prefix[070] Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin finibus..."
zframe_print (frame, "Prefix");
zframe_print_n (frame, "Prefix", 0);
// len < data
//  - "[519] Lorem"
//  - "Prefix[519] Lorem"
zframe_print_n (frame, "", 5);
zframe_print_n (frame, "Prefix", 5);
// small len
//  - "[519] Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet"
//  - "Prefix[519] Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet"
zframe_print_n (frame, "", 26);
zframe_print_n (frame, "Prefix", 26);
// mid len
// - "[519] Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin finibus"
//   "[519]  ligula et aliquam tristique. Phasellus consequat, enim et blandit var"
//   "[519] ius, sapie"
// - "Prefix[519] Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin finibus"
//   "Prefix[519]  ligula et aliquam tristique. Phasellus consequat, enim et blandit var"
//   "Prefix[519] ius, sapie"
zframe_print_n (frame, "", 150);
zframe_print_n (frame, "Prefix", 150);
// len > data
//  - emits the whole paragraph
zframe_print_n (frame, "", 1500);
zframe_print_n (frame, "Prefix", 1500);
// max len
//  - emits the whole paragraph
zframe_print_n (frame, "", -1);
zframe_print_n (frame, "Prefix", -1);
zframe_destroy (&frame);
#if defined (__WINDOWS__)

The czmq manual was written by the authors in the AUTHORS file.

Main web site:

Report bugs to the email <zeromq-dev@lists.zeromq.org[1]>

Copyright (c) the Contributors as noted in the AUTHORS file. This file is part of CZMQ, the high-level C binding for 0MQ: http://czmq.zeromq.org. This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. LICENSE included with the czmq distribution.

03/31/2024 CZMQ 4.2.1