xmerl_eventp(3erl) Erlang Module Definition xmerl_eventp(3erl)

xmerl_eventp - Simple event-based front-ends to xmerl_scan for processing
of XML documents in streams and for parsing in SAX style.

Simple event-based front-ends to xmerl_scan for processing of XML documents in streams and for parsing in SAX style. Each contain more elaborate settings of xmerl_scan that makes usage of the customization functions.

Options allow to customize the behaviour of the scanner. See also tutorial on customization functions.

Possible options are:

{acc_fun, Fun}:
Call back function to accumulate contents of entity.
{continuation_fun, Fun} | {continuation_fun, Fun, ContinuationState}:
Call back function to decide what to do if the scanner runs into EOF before the document is complete.
{event_fun, Fun} | {event_fun, Fun, EventState}:
Call back function to handle scanner events.
{fetch_fun, Fun} | {fetch_fun, Fun, FetchState}:
Call back function to fetch an external resource.
{hook_fun, Fun} | {hook_fun, Fun, HookState}:
Call back function to process the document entities once identified.
{close_fun, Fun}:
Called when document has been completely parsed.
{rules, ReadFun, WriteFun, RulesState} | {rules, Rules}:
Handles storing of scanner information when parsing.
{user_state, UserState}:
Global state variable accessible from all customization functions
{fetch_path, PathList}:
PathList is a list of directories to search when fetching files. If the file in question is not in the fetch_path, the URI will be used as a file name.
{space, Flag}:
'preserve' (default) to preserve spaces, 'normalize' to accumulate consecutive whitespace and replace it with one space.
{line, Line}:
To specify starting line for scanning in document which contains fragments of XML.
{namespace_conformant, Flag}:
Controls whether to behave as a namespace conformant XML parser, 'false' (default) to not otherwise 'true'.
{validation, Flag}:
Controls whether to process as a validating XML parser: 'off' (default) no validation, or validation 'dtd' by DTD or 'schema' by XML Schema. 'false' and 'true' options are obsolete (i.e. they may be removed in a future release), if used 'false' equals 'off' and 'true' equals 'dtd'.
{schemaLocation, [{Namespace,Link}|...]}:
Tells explicitly which XML Schema documents to use to validate the XML document. Used together with the {validation,schema} option.
{quiet, Flag}:
Set to 'true' if xmerl should behave quietly and not output any information to standard output (default 'false').
{doctype_DTD, DTD}:
Allows to specify DTD name when it isn't available in the XML document. This option has effect only together with {validation,'dtd' option.
{xmlbase, Dir}:
XML Base directory. If using string/1 default is current directory. If using file/1 default is directory of given file.
{encoding, Enc}:
Set default character set used (default UTF-8). This character set is used only if not explicitly given by the XML declaration.
{document, Flag}:
Set to 'true' if xmerl should return a complete XML document as an xmlDocument record (default 'false').
{comments, Flag}:
Set to 'false' if xmerl should skip comments otherwise they will be returned as xmlComment records (default 'true').
{default_attrs, Flag}:
Set to 'true' if xmerl should add to elements missing attributes with a defined default value (default 'false').

file_sax(Fname::string(), CallBackModule::atom(), UserState, Options::option_list()) -> NewUserState

Parse file containing an XML document, SAX style. Wrapper for a call to the XML parser xmerl_scan with a hook_fun for using xmerl export functionality directly after an entity is parsed.

stream(Fname::string(), Options::option_list()) -> xmlElement()

Parse file containing an XML document as a stream, DOM style. Wrapper for a call to the XML parser xmerl_scan with a continuation_fun for handling streams of XML data. Note that the continuation_fun, acc_fun, fetch_fun, rules and close_fun options cannot be user defined using this parser.

stream_sax(Fname, CallBack::CallBackModule, UserState, Options) -> xmlElement()


Fname = string()
CallBackModule = atom()
Options = option_list()

Parse file containing an XML document as a stream, SAX style. Wrapper for a call to the XML parser xmerl_scan with a continuation_fun for handling streams of XML data. Note that the continuation_fun, acc_fun, fetch_fun, rules, hook_fun, close_fun and user_state options cannot be user defined using this parser.

string_sax(String::list(), CallBackModule::atom(), UserState, Options::option_list()) -> xmlElement()

Parse file containing an XML document, SAX style. Wrapper for a call to the XML parser xmerl_scan with a hook_fun for using xmerl export functionality directly after an entity is parsed.

