wxFontData(3erl) Erlang Module Definition wxFontData(3erl)

wxFontData - Functions for wxFontData class

This class holds a variety of information related to font dialogs.

See: Overview cmndlg, wxFont, wxFontDialog

wxWidgets docs: wxFontData

wxFontData() = wx:wx_object()

new() -> wxFontData()


Initializes fontColour to black, showHelp to false, allowSymbols to true, enableEffects to true, minSize to 0 and maxSize to 0.

new(Data) -> wxFontData()


Data = wxFontData()

Copy Constructor.

enableEffects(This, Enable) -> ok


This = wxFontData()
Enable = boolean()

Enables or disables "effects" under Windows or generic only.

This refers to the controls for manipulating colour, strikeout and underline properties.

The default value is true.

getAllowSymbols(This) -> boolean()


This = wxFontData()

Under Windows, returns a flag determining whether symbol fonts can be selected.

Has no effect on other platforms.

The default value is true.

getColour(This) -> wx:wx_colour4()


This = wxFontData()

Gets the colour associated with the font dialog.

The default value is black.

getChosenFont(This) -> wxFont:wxFont()


This = wxFontData()

Gets the font chosen by the user if the user pressed OK (wxFontDialog::ShowModal() (not implemented in wx) returned wxID_OK).

getEnableEffects(This) -> boolean()


This = wxFontData()

Determines whether "effects" are enabled under Windows.

This refers to the controls for manipulating colour, strikeout and underline properties.

The default value is true.

getInitialFont(This) -> wxFont:wxFont()


This = wxFontData()

Gets the font that will be initially used by the font dialog.

This should have previously been set by the application.

getShowHelp(This) -> boolean()


This = wxFontData()

Returns true if the Help button will be shown (Windows only).

The default value is false.

setAllowSymbols(This, AllowSymbols) -> ok


This = wxFontData()
AllowSymbols = boolean()

Under Windows, determines whether symbol fonts can be selected.

Has no effect on other platforms.

The default value is true.

setChosenFont(This, Font) -> ok


This = wxFontData()
Font = wxFont:wxFont()

Sets the font that will be returned to the user (for internal use only).

setColour(This, Colour) -> ok


This = wxFontData()
Colour = wx:wx_colour()

Sets the colour that will be used for the font foreground colour.

The default colour is black.

setInitialFont(This, Font) -> ok


This = wxFontData()
Font = wxFont:wxFont()

Sets the font that will be initially used by the font dialog.

setRange(This, Min, Max) -> ok


This = wxFontData()
Min = Max = integer()

Sets the valid range for the font point size (Windows only).

The default is 0, 0 (unrestricted range).

setShowHelp(This, ShowHelp) -> ok


This = wxFontData()
ShowHelp = boolean()

Determines whether the Help button will be displayed in the font dialog (Windows only).

The default value is false.

destroy(This :: wxFontData()) -> ok

Destroys the object.

wx wxWidgets team.