wxAuiTabArt(3erl) Erlang Module Definition wxAuiTabArt(3erl)

wxAuiTabArt - Functions for wxAuiTabArt class

Tab art provider defines all the drawing functions used by wxAuiNotebook.

This allows the wxAuiNotebook to have a pluggable look-and-feel.

By default, a wxAuiNotebook uses an instance of this class called wxAuiDefaultTabArt (not implemented in wx) which provides bitmap art and a colour scheme that is adapted to the major platforms' look. You can either derive from that class to alter its behaviour or write a completely new tab art class.

Another example of creating a new wxAuiNotebook tab bar is wxAuiSimpleTabArt.

Call wxAuiNotebook:setArtProvider/2 to make use of this new tab art.

wxWidgets docs: wxAuiTabArt

wxAuiTabArt() = wx:wx_object()

setFlags(This, Flags) -> ok


This = wxAuiTabArt()
Flags = integer()

Sets flags.

setMeasuringFont(This, Font) -> ok


This = wxAuiTabArt()
Font = wxFont:wxFont()

Sets the font used for calculating measurements.

setNormalFont(This, Font) -> ok


This = wxAuiTabArt()
Font = wxFont:wxFont()

Sets the normal font for drawing labels.

setSelectedFont(This, Font) -> ok


This = wxAuiTabArt()
Font = wxFont:wxFont()

Sets the font for drawing text for selected UI elements.

setColour(This, Colour) -> ok


This = wxAuiTabArt()
Colour = wx:wx_colour()

Sets the colour of the inactive tabs.

Since: 2.9.2

setActiveColour(This, Colour) -> ok


This = wxAuiTabArt()
Colour = wx:wx_colour()

Sets the colour of the selected tab.

Since: 2.9.2

wx wxWidgets team.