wslay_event_recv - Receive messages
#include <wslay/wslay.h>
wslay_event_recv() receives messages from peer. When receiving messages, it uses wslay_event_recv_callback function. Single call of this function receives multiple messages until wslay_event_recv_callback function sets error code WSLAY_ERR_WOULDBLOCK.
wslay_event_recv() calls following callback functions for their own event (See wslay_event_context_server_init() or wslay_event_context_client_init() for the details of each callbacks).
When close control frame is received, this function automatically queues close control frame. Also this function calls wslay_event_set_read_enabled() with second argument 0 to disable further read from peer.
When ping control frame is received, this function automatically queues pong control frame.
In case of a fatal error which leads to negative return code, this function calls wslay_event_set_read_enabled() with second argument 0 to disable further read from peer.
wslay_event_recv() returns 0 if it succeeds, or one of the following negative error codes:
When negative error code is returned, application must not make any further call of wslay_event_recv() and must close WebSocket connection.
Tatsuhiro Tsujikawa
2024, 2015, Tatsuhiro Tsujikawa
April 22, 2024 | @PACKAGE_VERSION@ |