wml::fmt::verbatim(3) EN Tools wml::fmt::verbatim(3)

wml::fmt::verbatim - Really Preformatted Verbatim Text

 #use wml::fmt::verbatim
 Text with <,> and & characters,
     leading whitespaces and
 pre  formatted   blocks
 #     To include the file ``bar'' verbatim
 <verbatim-file src="bar">

This is an enhanced "<pre>" tag which really formats as plain text, i.e. escapes the characters `"<"', `">"' and `"&"'.

The usage is simple: Just surround the text with the "<verbatim>" container tag and then all text inside it will be threated as really verbatim text, i.e. a preformatted area with all problematic characters sequences escaped.

 Ralf S. Engelschall

 Internal: P1, P6
 External: --

HTML "<pre>" tag

2020-11-29 EN Tools