wml::fmt::pod(3) EN Tools wml::fmt::pod(3)

wml::fmt::pod - Plain Old Document (POD) Format

 #use wml::fmt::pod
 <: print &wml_fmt_pod({ FILE => $file, ... }); :>
 <pod [keepindex] [keephr] [nonetscape] [notypo] [eperlfilter=func]>
 =head1 ...
 =head2 ...

The usage is simple: Just surround all POD source text with the pod container tag and then just write POD format inside it as you would do when writing plain POD documents. The corresponding HTML code is created via Perl's "pod2html" filter.

ATTENTION! There are a lot of pod2html versions around from the various Perl versions. I really recommend you the pod2html from Perl 5.004!

 Ralf S. Engelschall

 Internal: P1, P2, P3
 External: pod2html (PATH)

perlpod(1), http://www.perl.com/perl/

2020-11-29 EN Tools