WMDRRG - plots weather map regions (indicating "snow", "rain", etc.), or solid regions indicating temperature zones.


#include <ncarg/gks.h>

void c_wmdrrg(int n, float *x, float *y, char *itype, int nc, float *xc, float *yc)

(Integer, Input) - The number of points supplied in the second and third arguments.
(Real, Input) - The X coordinates (specified in world coordinates) of N points that specify the control points of a spline curve that will be fitted to represent the requested region.
(Real, Input) - The Y coordinates (specified in world coordinates) of N points that specify the control points of a spline curve that will be fitted to represent the requested region.
(Character, Input) - Indicates the weather type to fill the region with, or a solid color.
ITYPE can be one of:

'T' for thunderstorms

'SH' for showers

'R' for rain

'F' for flurries

'SN' for snow

'I' for ice

'INDEXnn' where the number "nn" denotes a color index for a solid fill.

(Integer, input) - If NC is greater than 2, then the region resulting from the spline fit to ((X(I),Y(I)),I=1,N) will be clipped against the region in ((XC(I),YC(I)),I=1,NC). If no clipping is to be done, then set NC equal to 1.
(Real, Input) - The X coordinates (specified in world coordinates) of NC points that specify a clipping polygon for the region resulting from the spline fit to ((X(I),Y(I)),I=1,N), if NC is greater than 2.
(Real, Input) - The Y coordinates (specified in world coordinates) of NC points that specify a clipping polygon for the region resulting from the spline fit to ((X(I),Y(I)),I=1,N), if NC is greater than 2.

Set the values for the appropriate internal parameters before calling WMDRRG to produce the desired region. The internal parameters that control the appearance of regions are: COL and RHT. As mentioned above, the points specified in the X and Y arrays serve as control points for a spline curve that is fitted to the input polygon. X(N) should equal X(1) and Y(N) should equal Y(1).

To use WMDRRG or c_wmdrrg, load the NCAR Graphics libraries ncarg, ncarg_gks, and ncarg_c, preferably in that order.

Online: wmap, wmdflt, wmgetc, wmgeti, wmgetr, wmsetc, wmseti, wmsetr, wmap_params

Hardcopy: WMAP - A Package for Producing Daily Weather Maps and Plotting Station Model Data

Copyright (C) 1987-2009
University Corporation for Atmospheric Research
The use of this Software is governed by a License Agreement.

January 1995 UNIX