ttk::sizegrip(3tk) | Tk Themed Widget | ttk::sizegrip(3tk) |
ttk::sizegrip - Bottom-right corner resize widget
ttk::sizegrip pathName ?options?
A ttk::sizegrip widget (also known as a grow box) allows the user to resize the containing toplevel window by pressing and dragging the grip.
-class -cursor -style -takefocus
See the ttk_widget manual entry for details on the standard options.
Sizegrip widgets support the standard cget, configure, identify, instate, and state methods. No other widget methods are used.
On Mac OSX, toplevel windows automatically include a built-in size grip by default. Adding a ttk::sizegrip there is harmless, since the built-in grip will just mask the widget.
Using pack:
pack [ttk::frame $top.statusbar] -side bottom -fill x pack [ttk::sizegrip $top.statusbar.grip] -side right -anchor se
Using grid:
grid [ttk::sizegrip $top.statusbar.grip] \ -row $lastRow -column $lastColumn -sticky se # ... optional: add vertical scrollbar in $lastColumn, # ... optional: add horizontal scrollbar in $lastRow
If the containing toplevel's position was specified relative to the right or bottom of the screen (e.g., “wm geometry ... wxh-x-y” instead of “wm geometry ... wxh+x+y”), the sizegrip widget will not resize the window.
ttk::sizegrip widgets only support “southeast” resizing.
The class name for a ttk::sizegrip is TSizegrip.
TSizegrip styling options configurable with ttk::style are:
-background color
Some options are only available for specific themes.
See the ttk::style manual page for information on how to configure ttk styles.
widget, sizegrip, grow box
8.5 | Tk |