ttk::separator(3tk) Tk Themed Widget ttk::separator(3tk)

ttk::separator - Separator bar

ttk::separator pathName ?options?

A ttk::separator widget displays a horizontal or vertical separator bar.

-class	-cursor
-style	-takefocus

See the ttk_widget manual entry for details on the standard options.

Command-Line Name:	-orient
Database Name:	orient
Database Class:	Orient
One of horizontal or vertical. Specifies the orientation of the separator.

Separator widgets support the standard cget, configure, identify, instate, and state methods. No other widget methods are used.

The class name for a ttk::separator is TSeparator.

TSeparator styling options configurable with ttk::style are:

-background color

Some options are only available for specific themes.

See the ttk::style manual page for information on how to configure ttk styles.


widget, separator

8.5 Tk