ttk::labelframe(3tk) | Tk Themed Widget | ttk::labelframe(3tk) |
ttk::labelframe - Container widget with optional label
ttk::labelframe pathName ?options?
A ttk::labelframe widget is a container used to group other widgets together. It has an optional label, which may be a plain text string or another widget.
-class -cursor -padding -style -takefocus
See the ttk_widget manual entry for details on the standard options.
Command-Line Name: -height Database Name: height Database Class: Height
Command-Line Name: -labelanchor Database Name: labelAnchor Database Class: LabelAnchor
Command-Line Name: -labelwidget Database Name: labelWidget Database Class: LabelWidget
Command-Line Name: -text Database Name: text Database Class: Text
Command-Line Name: -underline Database Name: underline Database Class: Underline
Command-Line Name: -width Database Name: width Database Class: Width
Supports the standard widget commands configure, cget, identify, instate, and state; see ttk::widget(3tk).
The class name for a ttk::labelframe is TLabelframe. The text label has a class of TLabelframe.Label.
Dynamic states: disabled, readonly.
TLabelframe styling options configurable with ttk::style are:
-background color
-bordercolor color
-borderwidth amount
-darkcolor color
-labelmargins amount
-labeloutside boolean
-lightcolor color
-relief relief
TLabelframe.Label styling options configurable with ttk::style are:
-background color
-font font
-foreground color
Some options are only available for specific themes.
See the ttk::style manual page for information on how to configure ttk styles.
ttk::widget(3tk), ttk::frame(3tk), labelframe(3tk)
widget, frame, container, label, groupbox
8.5 | Tk |