TICK43 - Gives user control of tick mark length in PERIM3.


#include <ncarg/ncargC.h>

void c_tick43 (int majoru, int minoru, int majorv, int minorv,
int majorw, int minorw)

(an input expression of type INTEGER) specifies the length of major ticks to be used on perimeter sides that are parallel to the U axis.
(an input expression of type INTEGER) specifies the length of minor ticks to be used on perimeter sides that are parallel to the U axis.
(input expressions of type INTEGER) specify the lengths of major and minor ticks for perimeter sides parallel to the V axis.
(input expressions of type INTEGER) specify the lengths of major and minor ticks for perimeter sides parallel to the W axis.

All tick lengths are specified as integers between 0 and 1024. The value "n" produces a tick that is n/1024ths as long as the longest side of the box defined by the arguments UMIN, UMAX, VMIN, VMAX, WMIN, and WMAX in the last call to SET3. The default values are 12 for a major tick and 8 for a minor tick.

The C-binding argument descriptions are the same as the FORTRAN argument descriptions.

Use the ncargex command to see the following relevant examples: fthex01, fthex02, fthex03, fthex04, fthex05.

To use TICK43 or c_tick43, load the NCAR Graphics libraries ncarg, ncarg_gks, and ncarg_c, preferably in that order.

Online: threed, curve3, fence3, frst3, line3, perim3, point3, psym3, pwrz, pwrzt, set3, threed, tick3, vect3, ncarg_cbind.

Hardcopy: NCAR Graphics Fundamentals, UNIX Version

Copyright (C) 1987-2009
University Corporation for Atmospheric Research
The use of this Software is governed by a License Agreement.

March 1993 UNIX