TDGRDS - Draw perimeters, optionally with ticks or grid lines, on the six sides of a box. This routine calls TDPARA and will therefore change the definition of the reference parallelogram.


#include <ncarg/ncargC.h>

void c_tdgrds(float umin, float vmin, float wmin, float umax, float vmax, float wmax, float ustp, float vstp, float wstp, int igrt, int ihid)

The arguments of TDGRDS are as follows:

(input expressions of type REAL) - coordinate values defining the box in 3-space. The names of these should make it clear what they are.
(input expressions of type REAL) - specify step sizes between ticks or grid lines in the U direction, the V direction, and the W direction, respectively. If one of these values is less than or equal to zero, the ticks or grid lines in the associated direction are omitted.
(an input expression of type INTEGER) - of the form 10*IGRN+IGRF, where IGRN is a value specifying what to draw on the near sides of the box and IGRF is a value specifying what to draw on the far sides of the box, where "near" and "far" are as defined by the current line of sight. Each of IGRN and IGRF can have one of the values 0 (draw nothing), 1 (draw just a perimeter), 2 (draw a perimeter with inward-pointing ticks), or 3 (draw a perimeter with a grid). For example, to draw grids on the far side of the box and just perimeters on the near sides of the box, use IGRT = 13.
(an input expression of type INTEGER) - set to 0 to draw only those sides of the box that cannot be hidden by something inside the box or to 1 to draw only those sides of the box that can be hidden by something inside the box. Standard operating procedure is to call TDGRDS before drawing surfaces inside a box, with IHID set to 1, and then call it again after drawing surfaces inside a box, with IHID set to 0.

The C-binding argument descriptions are the same as the FORTRAN argument descriptions.

To use TDGRDS or c_tdgrds, load the NCAR Graphics libraries ncarg, ncarg_gks, and ncarg_c, preferably in that order.

Online: tdclrs, tdctri, tddtri, tdgeti, tdgetr, tdgrid, tdgtrs, tdinit, tditri, tdlbla, tdlbls, tdline, tdlnpa, tdmtri, tdotri, tdpack, tdpack_params, tdpara, tdplch, tdprpa, tdprpi, tdprpt, tdseti, tdsetr, tdsort, tdstri, tdstrs

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University Corporation for Atmospheric Research
The use of this Software is governed by a License Agreement.

July 1997 UNIX