tclsoldout(3tcl) 3tcl tclsoldout(3tcl)

TclSoldoutMarkdown parser

package require TclSoldout [0.1.1]

::soldout::escape_html string

::soldout::mkd2html [-discount | -natext] markdown

::soldout::mkd2xhtml [-discount | -natext] markdown

The TclSoldout extension is a Tcl binding to libsoldout, a lightweight C library that can parse Markdown.

The ::soldout::escape_html command replace '<', '>', '&' and '"' in the string with their HTML entities and return the modified text.

The ::soldout::mkd2html command parse markdown text and return HTML (self-closing tags are rendered like this: <br>).

The ::soldout::mkd2xhtml command parse markdown text and return XHTML (self-closing tags like: <br />).

The options are as follows:

enable Discount extensions:
  • image size specification, by appending "=(width)x(height)" to the link
  • pseudo-protocols in links:
    • abbr:description for <abbr title="description">...</abbr>
    • class:name for <span class="name">...</span>
    • id:name for <span id="name">...</span>
    • raw:text for verbatim unprocessed text inclusion
  • class blocks: blockquotes beginning with %class% will be rendered as a div of the given class(es)

and PHP-Markdown-like tables.

enable Discount extensions and Natasha's own extensions:
  • id attribute for headers, using the syntax id#Header text
  • class attribute for paragraphs, by putting class name(s) between parenthesis at the very beginning of the paragraph
  • <ins> and <del> spans, using respectively ++ and -- as delimiters (with emphasis-like restrictions, i.e. an opening delimiter cannot be followed by a whitespace, and a closing delimiter cannot be preceded by a whitespace)
  • plain <span> without attribute, using emphasis-like delimiter |


TclSoldout was written by Svyatoslav Mishyn <>.

September 11, 2015 Debian