tag(3tcl) tag(3tcl)

tag - Manipulate tagged files

tag option ?arg arg ...?

The tag procedure provides a number of options for manipulating tagged files.

Reads the file with the given filename and returns a list where each list element is a tag record, which is represented by a list of label-value pairs, or label-value-endlabel triples.

The tag header is the first element returned.

Takes a list in the format used internally in tcl programs for tagged data and writes it as a tagged file.

Takes a list in tagged format, and a list of conditions, and returns a new list in tagged format which contains those tag records which match the conditions.

The tests is a list of test items, each of which is a list of the form { labelname condition matchvalue }

The conditions are

String equals
String not equal
Less than or equal
Is the test value a member of the list given as the matchvalue
Does the match value contain the test value as a case insensitive substring.
Date earlier
Date later - dates are in ISO format (yyyy-mm-dd [hh:mm:ss]).
Does the label exist in this record.

tag readfile reads the whole file into memory before turning it into a list. Should be more memory efficient.

The -earlier and -later comparisons require TCL8.3

John Lines (john+taglog@paladyn.org)

July 3, 2000