systempapername, defaultpapername, systempapersizefile, defaultpapersizefile - return names for managing system paper information

#include <paper.h>

const char* systempapername(void)
const char* defaultpapername(void)

const char* systempapersizefile(void)
const char* defaultpapersizefile(void)

systempapername() returns the name of the default paper to be used by a program. This name is obtained by looking in that order at the PAPERCONF environment variable, at the contents of the file returned by systempapersizefile() or by using defaultpapername() as a last chance.

defaultpapername() returns the name of the default paper to use if it is impossible to get its name from the environment.

systempapersizefile() returns the path of the papersize file to use. This path is obtained by looking at the PAPERCONF environment variable or by calling defaultpapersizefile().

defaultpapersizefile returns the path of the default papersize file.

Paper size to use regardless of what the papersize file contains.
Full path to a file containing the paper size to use.

Contains the name of the system-wide default paper size to be used.


17 September 2001