SURF1 - calculate values for SURF2 usage.


This subroutine calculates certain values that are used by SURF2 in order to compute an interpolatory surface passing through a rectangular grid of function values. The surface computed is a tensor product of splines under tension. To calculate actual interpolated values, SURF2 must be called.

(integer, input) The number of grid lines in the X direction. (M > 1)
(integer, input) The number of grid lines in the Y direction. (N > 1)
(real, input) An array containing M X coordinates for grid lines in the X direction. These values must be strictly increasing.
(real, input) An array containing N Y coordinates for grid lines in the Y direction. These values must be strictly increasing.
(real, input) An array containing M x N functional values at the grid points; Z(I,J) contains the functional value at (X(I),Y(J)) for I=1,M and J=1,N.
(integer, input) The row dimension of the matrix Z (IZ is greater than or equal to M).
(real, input) An array containing N X-partial derivatives of the function along the line X(1), that is ZX1(J) is the X-partial derivative at point (X(1),Y(J)) for J=1,N. This parameter may be defaulted by setting ISLPSW appropriately.
(real, input) An array containing N X-partial derivatives of the function along the line X(M), that is ZXM(J) is the X-partial derivative at point (X(M),Y(J)) for J=1,N. This parameter may be defaulted by setting ISLPSW appropriately.
(real, input) An array containing M Y-partial derivatives of the function along the line Y(1), that is ZY1(I) is the Y-partial derivative at point (X(I),Y(1)) for I=1,M. This parameter may be defaulted by setting ISLPSW appropriately.
(real, input) An array containing M Y-partial derivatives of the function along the line Y(N), that is ZY1(I) is the Y-partial derivative at point (X(I),Y(N)) for I=1,M. This parameter may be defaulted by setting ISLPSW appropriately.
(real, input) The X-Y-partial derivative at (X(1),Y(1). This parameter may be defaulted by setting ISLPSW appropriately.
(real, input) The X-Y-partial derivative at (X(M),Y(1). This parameter may be defaulted by setting ISLPSW appropriately.
(real, input) The X-Y-partial derivative at (X(1),Y(N). This parameter may be defaulted by setting ISLPSW appropriately.
(real, input) The X-Y-partial derivative at (X(M),Y(N). This parameter may be defaulted by setting ISLPSW appropriately.
(integer, input) A switch to indicate which boundary derivatives are user supplied and which should be estimated internally. Where

I1 = 0 if ZX1 is user-supplied and 1 otherwise.
I2 = 0 if ZXM is user-supplied and 1 otherwise.
I3 = 0 if ZY1 is user-supplied and 1 otherwise.
I4 = 0 if ZYN is user-supplied and 1 otherwise.
I5 = 0 if ZXY11 is user-supplied and 1 otherwise.
I6 = 0 if ZXYM1 is user-supplied and 1 otherwise.
I7 = 0 if ZXY1N is user-supplied and 1 otherwise.
I8 = 0 if ZXYMN is user-supplied and 1 otherwise.

set ISLPSW = I1 + 2*I2 + 4*I3 +8*I4 +16*I5 +32*I6 + 64*I7 + 128*I8. Then, for example, if ISLPSW=0, then all derivative information is user-supplied and if ISLPSW=255, then all derivative information is to be internally estimated.

(real, output) An array of size M x N x 3. On output this contains partial derivatives of the surface at the given nodes. ZP is used by SURF2.
(real, input) Scratch space.
(real, input) Tension factor. Values near zero result in a cubic spline; large values (e.g. 50) result in nearly a polygonal line. A typical value is 1.
(integer, output) An error return value. If IER is returned as 0, then no errors were detected.

= 1 if N is less than 2.
= 2 if X or Y values are not strictly increasing.

To use SURF1, load the NCAR Graphics library ngmath.

surf2, fitgrid_params.

Complete documentation for Fitgrid is available at URL

Copyright (C) 2000
University Corporation for Atmospheric Research

The use of this Software is governed by a License Agreement.

March 1998 UNIX