BackCmd, FrontCmd, GroupCmd, UngroupCmd - commands for modifying
components structurally
#include <Unidraw/Commands/struct.h>
BackCmd, FrontCmd, GroupCmd, and UngroupCmd are purely
interpretive commands for altering the structure of their editor's
component. All redefine their Execute and Unexecute operations to let the
editor's component interpret them as it wishes.
- UngroupCmd(ControlInfo*)
- UngroupCmd(Editor*
= nil)
- Construct a new UngroupCmd.
- virtual void
- virtual void
- Execute will set the value of the _executed protected member
variable to true as a side effect if anything was ungrouped.
Similarly, Unexecute will set reset the value to false as a side
effect the operation was undone.
- Clipboard*
- void
- Explicitly set and get a clipboard containing the child components that
were ungrouped, which is stored in the _kids protected member.
UngroupCmd does not initialize this member; it merely provides the storage
as a convenience to components that interpret the command and need a place
to store the ungrouped children to support reverse execution. However,
UngroupCmd deletes the clipboard (if it exists) in ~UngroupCmd. SetKids
will not delete the old value.
Command(3U), GraphicComp(3U)