#include <set.h>
Inherits set< _Key, std::less< _Key >, std::allocator<
_Key > >, and std::__profile::_Ordered_profile< _Cont >.
typedef __iterator_tracker< _Base_const_iterator,
set > const_iterator
typedef _Base::const_reference const_reference
typedef std::reverse_iterator< const_iterator >
typedef _Base::difference_type difference_type
typedef __iterator_tracker< _Base_iterator, set >
typedef _Compare key_compare
typedef _Key key_type
typedef _Base::reference reference
typedef std::reverse_iterator< iterator >
typedef _Base::size_type size_type
typedef _Compare value_compare
typedef _Key value_type
template<typename _InputIterator > set
(_InputIterator __first, _InputIterator __last, const
_Allocator &__a)
template<typename _InputIterator , typename =
std::_RequireInputIter<_InputIterator>> set
(_InputIterator __first, _InputIterator __last, const
_Compare &__comp=_Compare(), const _Allocator
set (const _Allocator &__a)
set (const _Base &__x)
set (const _Compare &__comp, const _Allocator
set (const set &)=default
set (const set &__x, const _Allocator
set (initializer_list< value_type > __l,
const _Allocator &__a)
set (initializer_list< value_type > __l,
const _Compare &__comp=_Compare(), const _Allocator
set (set &&)=default
set (set &&__x, const _Allocator &__a)
noexcept(noexcept(_Base(std::move(__x), __a)))
const _Base & _M_base () const noexcept
_Base & _M_base () noexcept
void _M_profile_iterate (int __rewind=0) const
const_iterator begin () const noexcept
iterator begin () noexcept
const_iterator cbegin () const noexcept
const_iterator cend () const noexcept
void clear () noexcept
template<typename _Kt , typename _Req =
typename __has_is_transparent<_Compare, _Kt>::type> size_type
count (const _Kt &__x) const
size_type count (const key_type &__x) const
const_reverse_iterator crbegin () const noexcept
const_reverse_iterator crend () const noexcept
template<typename... _Args> std::pair< iterator, bool
> emplace (_Args &&... __args)
template<typename... _Args> iterator emplace_hint
(const_iterator __pos, _Args &&...
const_iterator end () const noexcept
iterator end () noexcept
template<typename _Kt , typename _Req =
typename __has_is_transparent<_Compare, _Kt>::type>
std::pair< iterator, iterator >
equal_range (const _Kt &__x)
template<typename _Kt , typename _Req =
typename __has_is_transparent<_Compare, _Kt>::type>
std::pair< const_iterator, const_iterator >
equal_range (const _Kt &__x) const
std::pair< iterator, iterator > equal_range
(const key_type &__x)
std::pair< const_iterator, const_iterator >
equal_range (const key_type &__x) const
size_type erase (const key_type &__x)
iterator erase (const_iterator __first,
const_iterator __last)
iterator erase (const_iterator __pos)
template<typename _Kt , typename _Req =
typename __has_is_transparent<_Compare, _Kt>::type> iterator
find (const _Kt &__x)
template<typename _Kt , typename _Req =
typename __has_is_transparent<_Compare, _Kt>::type>
const_iterator find (const _Kt &__x)
iterator find (const key_type &__x)
const_iterator find (const key_type &__x)
template<typename _InputIterator > void
insert (_InputIterator __first, _InputIterator __last)
std::pair< iterator, bool > insert (const
value_type &__x)
iterator insert (const_iterator __pos,
const value_type &__x)
iterator insert (const_iterator __pos, value_type
void insert (initializer_list< value_type >
std::pair< iterator, bool > insert (value_type
template<typename _Kt , typename _Req =
typename __has_is_transparent<_Compare, _Kt>::type> iterator
lower_bound (const _Kt &__x)
template<typename _Kt , typename _Req =
typename __has_is_transparent<_Compare, _Kt>::type>
const_iterator lower_bound (const _Kt &__x)
iterator lower_bound (const key_type &__x)
const_iterator lower_bound (const key_type
&__x) const
set & operator= (const set
set & operator= (initializer_list< value_type >
set & operator= (set &&)=default
const_reverse_iterator rbegin () const noexcept
reverse_iterator rbegin () noexcept
const_reverse_iterator rend () const noexcept
reverse_iterator rend () noexcept
void swap (set &__x)
noexcept(/*conditional */)
template<typename _Kt , typename _Req =
typename __has_is_transparent<_Compare, _Kt>::type> iterator
upper_bound (const _Kt &__x)
template<typename _Kt , typename _Req =
typename __has_is_transparent<_Compare, _Kt>::type>
const_iterator upper_bound (const _Kt &__x)
iterator upper_bound (const key_type &__x)
const_iterator upper_bound (const key_type
&__x) const
void _M_profile_construct () noexcept
void _M_profile_destruct () noexcept
void _M_swap (_Ordered_profile &__other)
__gnu_profile::__map2umap_info * _M_map2umap_info
template<typename _K1 , typename
_C1 , typename _A1 > bool operator<
(const set< _K1, _C1, _A1 > &,
const set< _K1, _C1, _A1 > &)
template<typename _K1 , typename _C1 ,
typename _A1 > bool operator== (const
set< _K1, _C1, _A1 > &, const
set< _K1, _C1, _A1 > &)
template<typename _Key , typename
_Compare = std::less<_Key>, typename _Allocator =
std::allocator<_Key>> typedef
__iterator_tracker<_Base_const_iterator, set>
std::__profile::set< _Key, _Compare, _Allocator
Definition at line 62 of file profile/set.h.
template<typename _Key , typename
_Compare = std::less<_Key>, typename _Allocator =
std::allocator<_Key>> typedef _Base::const_reference
std::__profile::set< _Key, _Compare, _Allocator
Definition at line 58 of file profile/set.h.
template<typename _Key , typename
_Compare = std::less<_Key>, typename _Allocator =
std::allocator<_Key>> typedef
std::__profile::set< _Key, _Compare, _Allocator
Definition at line 64 of file profile/set.h.
template<typename _Key , typename
_Compare = std::less<_Key>, typename _Allocator =
std::allocator<_Key>> typedef _Base::difference_type
std::__profile::set< _Key, _Compare, _Allocator
Definition at line 67 of file profile/set.h.
template<typename _Key , typename
_Compare = std::less<_Key>, typename _Allocator =
std::allocator<_Key>> typedef
__iterator_tracker<_Base_iterator, set>
std::__profile::set< _Key, _Compare, _Allocator
Definition at line 60 of file profile/set.h.
template<typename _Key , typename
_Compare = std::less<_Key>, typename _Allocator =
std::allocator<_Key>> typedef _Compare
std::__profile::set< _Key, _Compare, _Allocator
Definition at line 55 of file profile/set.h.
template<typename _Key , typename
_Compare = std::less<_Key>, typename _Allocator =
std::allocator<_Key>> typedef _Key
std::__profile::set< _Key, _Compare, _Allocator
Definition at line 53 of file profile/set.h.
template<typename _Key , typename
_Compare = std::less<_Key>, typename _Allocator =
std::allocator<_Key>> typedef _Base::reference
std::__profile::set< _Key, _Compare, _Allocator
Definition at line 57 of file profile/set.h.
template<typename _Key , typename
_Compare = std::less<_Key>, typename _Allocator =
std::allocator<_Key>> typedef
std::__profile::set< _Key, _Compare, _Allocator
Definition at line 63 of file profile/set.h.
template<typename _Key , typename
_Compare = std::less<_Key>, typename _Allocator =
std::allocator<_Key>> typedef _Base::size_type
std::__profile::set< _Key, _Compare, _Allocator
Definition at line 66 of file profile/set.h.
template<typename _Key , typename
_Compare = std::less<_Key>, typename _Allocator =
std::allocator<_Key>> typedef _Compare
std::__profile::set< _Key, _Compare, _Allocator
Definition at line 56 of file profile/set.h.
template<typename _Key , typename
_Compare = std::less<_Key>, typename _Allocator =
std::allocator<_Key>> typedef _Key
std::__profile::set< _Key, _Compare, _Allocator
Definition at line 54 of file profile/set.h.
template<typename _Key , typename
_Compare = std::less<_Key>, typename _Allocator =
std::allocator<_Key>> const _Base &
std::__profile::set< _Key, _Compare, _Allocator
>::_M_base () const [inline], [noexcept]
Definition at line 547 of file profile/set.h.
template<typename _Key , typename
_Compare = std::less<_Key>, typename _Allocator =
std::allocator<_Key>> _Base &
std::__profile::set< _Key, _Compare, _Allocator
>::_M_base () [inline], [noexcept]
Definition at line 544 of file profile/set.h.
template<typename _Cont > void
std::__profile::_Ordered_profile< _Cont >::_M_profile_construct
() [inline], [protected], [noexcept], [inherited]
Definition at line 75 of file ordered_base.h.
template<typename _Cont > void
std::__profile::_Ordered_profile< _Cont >::_M_profile_destruct ()
[inline], [protected], [noexcept], [inherited]
Definition at line 79 of file ordered_base.h.
template<typename _Cont > void
std::__profile::_Ordered_profile< _Cont >::_M_profile_iterate
(int __rewind = 0) const [inline], [inherited]
Definition at line 40 of file ordered_base.h.
template<typename _Cont > void
std::__profile::_Ordered_profile< _Cont >::_M_swap
(_Ordered_profile< _Cont > & __other) [inline],
[protected], [inherited]
Definition at line 86 of file ordered_base.h.
template<typename _Key , typename
_Compare = std::less<_Key>, typename _Allocator =
std::allocator<_Key>> const_iterator
std::__profile::set< _Key, _Compare, _Allocator
>::begin () const [inline], [noexcept]
Definition at line 159 of file profile/set.h.
template<typename _Key , typename
_Compare = std::less<_Key>, typename _Allocator =
std::allocator<_Key>> iterator std::__profile::set<
_Key, _Compare, _Allocator >::begin () [inline],
Definition at line 155 of file profile/set.h.
template<typename _Key , typename
_Compare = std::less<_Key>, typename _Allocator =
std::allocator<_Key>> const_iterator
std::__profile::set< _Key, _Compare, _Allocator
>::cbegin () const [inline], [noexcept]
Definition at line 172 of file profile/set.h.
template<typename _Key , typename
_Compare = std::less<_Key>, typename _Allocator =
std::allocator<_Key>> const_iterator
std::__profile::set< _Key, _Compare, _Allocator
>::cend () const [inline], [noexcept]
Definition at line 176 of file profile/set.h.
template<typename _Key , typename
_Compare = std::less<_Key>, typename _Allocator =
std::allocator<_Key>> void std::__profile::set<
_Key, _Compare, _Allocator >::clear () [inline],
Definition at line 356 of file profile/set.h.
template<typename _Key , typename
_Compare = std::less<_Key>, typename _Allocator =
std::allocator<_Key>> template<typename _Kt ,
typename _Req = typename __has_is_transparent<_Compare,
_Kt>::type> size_type std::__profile::set< _Key,
_Compare, _Allocator >::count (const _Kt & __x)
const [inline]
Definition at line 375 of file profile/set.h.
template<typename _Key , typename
_Compare = std::less<_Key>, typename _Allocator =
std::allocator<_Key>> size_type std::__profile::set<
_Key, _Compare, _Allocator >::count (const
key_type & __x) const [inline]
Definition at line 364 of file profile/set.h.
template<typename _Key , typename
_Compare = std::less<_Key>, typename _Allocator =
std::allocator<_Key>> const_reverse_iterator
std::__profile::set< _Key, _Compare, _Allocator
>::crbegin () const [inline], [noexcept]
Definition at line 210 of file profile/set.h.
template<typename _Key , typename
_Compare = std::less<_Key>, typename _Allocator =
std::allocator<_Key>> const_reverse_iterator
std::__profile::set< _Key, _Compare, _Allocator
>::crend () const [inline], [noexcept]
Definition at line 217 of file profile/set.h.
template<typename _Key , typename
_Compare = std::less<_Key>, typename _Allocator =
std::allocator<_Key>> template<typename... _Args>
std::pair< iterator, bool > std::__profile::set<
_Key, _Compare, _Allocator >::emplace (_Args
&&... __args) [inline]
Definition at line 236 of file profile/set.h.
template<typename _Key , typename
_Compare = std::less<_Key>, typename _Allocator =
std::allocator<_Key>> template<typename... _Args>
iterator std::__profile::set< _Key, _Compare,
_Allocator >::emplace_hint (const_iterator __pos,
_Args &&... __args) [inline]
Definition at line 246 of file profile/set.h.
template<typename _Key , typename
_Compare = std::less<_Key>, typename _Allocator =
std::allocator<_Key>> const_iterator
std::__profile::set< _Key, _Compare, _Allocator
>::end () const [inline], [noexcept]
Definition at line 167 of file profile/set.h.
template<typename _Key , typename
_Compare = std::less<_Key>, typename _Allocator =
std::allocator<_Key>> iterator std::__profile::set<
_Key, _Compare, _Allocator >::end () [inline],
Definition at line 163 of file profile/set.h.
template<typename _Key , typename
_Compare = std::less<_Key>, typename _Allocator =
std::allocator<_Key>> template<typename _Kt ,
typename _Req = typename __has_is_transparent<_Compare,
_Kt>::type> std::pair< iterator, iterator >
std::__profile::set< _Key, _Compare, _Allocator
>::equal_range (const _Kt & __x) [inline]
Definition at line 524 of file profile/set.h.
template<typename _Key , typename
_Compare = std::less<_Key>, typename _Allocator =
std::allocator<_Key>> template<typename _Kt ,
typename _Req = typename __has_is_transparent<_Compare,
_Kt>::type> std::pair< const_iterator,
const_iterator > std::__profile::set< _Key,
_Compare, _Allocator >::equal_range (const _Kt &
__x) const [inline]
Definition at line 535 of file profile/set.h.
template<typename _Key , typename
_Compare = std::less<_Key>, typename _Allocator =
std::allocator<_Key>> std::pair< iterator,
iterator > std::__profile::set< _Key, _Compare,
_Allocator >::equal_range (const key_type & __x)
Definition at line 500 of file profile/set.h.
template<typename _Key , typename
_Compare = std::less<_Key>, typename _Allocator =
std::allocator<_Key>> std::pair< const_iterator,
const_iterator > std::__profile::set< _Key,
_Compare, _Allocator >::equal_range (const key_type
& __x) const [inline]
Definition at line 510 of file profile/set.h.
template<typename _Key , typename
_Compare = std::less<_Key>, typename _Allocator =
std::allocator<_Key>> size_type std::__profile::set<
_Key, _Compare, _Allocator >::erase (const
key_type & __x) [inline]
Definition at line 325 of file profile/set.h.
template<typename _Key , typename
_Compare = std::less<_Key>, typename _Allocator =
std::allocator<_Key>> iterator std::__profile::set<
_Key, _Compare, _Allocator >::erase (const_iterator
__first, const_iterator __last) [inline]
Definition at line 334 of file profile/set.h.
template<typename _Key , typename
_Compare = std::less<_Key>, typename _Allocator =
std::allocator<_Key>> iterator std::__profile::set<
_Key, _Compare, _Allocator >::erase (const_iterator
__pos) [inline]
Definition at line 310 of file profile/set.h.
template<typename _Key , typename
_Compare = std::less<_Key>, typename _Allocator =
std::allocator<_Key>> template<typename _Kt ,
typename _Req = typename __has_is_transparent<_Compare,
_Kt>::type> iterator std::__profile::set< _Key,
_Compare, _Allocator >::find (const _Kt & __x)
Definition at line 402 of file profile/set.h.
template<typename _Key , typename
_Compare = std::less<_Key>, typename _Allocator =
std::allocator<_Key>> template<typename _Kt ,
typename _Req = typename __has_is_transparent<_Compare,
_Kt>::type> const_iterator std::__profile::set<
_Key, _Compare, _Allocator >::find (const _Kt
& __x) const [inline]
Definition at line 412 of file profile/set.h.
template<typename _Key , typename
_Compare = std::less<_Key>, typename _Allocator =
std::allocator<_Key>> iterator std::__profile::set<
_Key, _Compare, _Allocator >::find (const
key_type & __x) [inline]
Definition at line 384 of file profile/set.h.
template<typename _Key , typename
_Compare = std::less<_Key>, typename _Allocator =
std::allocator<_Key>> const_iterator
std::__profile::set< _Key, _Compare, _Allocator
>::find (const key_type & __x) const [inline]
Definition at line 391 of file profile/set.h.
template<typename _Key , typename
_Compare = std::less<_Key>, typename _Allocator =
std::allocator<_Key>> template<typename
_InputIterator > void std::__profile::set<
_Key, _Compare, _Allocator >::insert (_InputIterator
__first, _InputIterator __last) [inline]
Definition at line 296 of file profile/set.h.
template<typename _Key , typename
_Compare = std::less<_Key>, typename _Allocator =
std::allocator<_Key>> std::pair< iterator, bool >
std::__profile::set< _Key, _Compare, _Allocator
>::insert (const value_type & __x) [inline]
Definition at line 258 of file profile/set.h.
template<typename _Key , typename
_Compare = std::less<_Key>, typename _Allocator =
std::allocator<_Key>> iterator std::__profile::set<
_Key, _Compare, _Allocator >::insert (const_iterator
__pos, const value_type & __x) [inline]
Definition at line 279 of file profile/set.h.
template<typename _Key , typename
_Compare = std::less<_Key>, typename _Allocator =
std::allocator<_Key>> iterator std::__profile::set<
_Key, _Compare, _Allocator >::insert (const_iterator
__pos, value_type && __x) [inline]
Definition at line 290 of file profile/set.h.
template<typename _Key , typename
_Compare = std::less<_Key>, typename _Allocator =
std::allocator<_Key>> void std::__profile::set<
_Key, _Compare, _Allocator >::insert
(initializer_list< value_type > __l) [inline]
Definition at line 304 of file profile/set.h.
template<typename _Key , typename
_Compare = std::less<_Key>, typename _Allocator =
std::allocator<_Key>> std::pair< iterator, bool >
std::__profile::set< _Key, _Compare, _Allocator
>::insert (value_type && __x) [inline]
Definition at line 268 of file profile/set.h.
template<typename _Key , typename
_Compare = std::less<_Key>, typename _Allocator =
std::allocator<_Key>> template<typename _Kt ,
typename _Req = typename __has_is_transparent<_Compare,
_Kt>::type> iterator std::__profile::set< _Key,
_Compare, _Allocator >::lower_bound (const _Kt &
__x) [inline]
Definition at line 440 of file profile/set.h.
template<typename _Key , typename
_Compare = std::less<_Key>, typename _Allocator =
std::allocator<_Key>> template<typename _Kt ,
typename _Req = typename __has_is_transparent<_Compare,
_Kt>::type> const_iterator std::__profile::set<
_Key, _Compare, _Allocator >::lower_bound (const
_Kt & __x) const [inline]
Definition at line 451 of file profile/set.h.
template<typename _Key , typename
_Compare = std::less<_Key>, typename _Allocator =
std::allocator<_Key>> iterator std::__profile::set<
_Key, _Compare, _Allocator >::lower_bound (const
key_type & __x) [inline]
Definition at line 420 of file profile/set.h.
template<typename _Key , typename
_Compare = std::less<_Key>, typename _Allocator =
std::allocator<_Key>> const_iterator
std::__profile::set< _Key, _Compare, _Allocator
>::lower_bound (const key_type & __x) const
Definition at line 428 of file profile/set.h.
template<typename _Key , typename
_Compare = std::less<_Key>, typename _Allocator =
std::allocator<_Key>> set & std::__profile::set<
_Key, _Compare, _Allocator >::operator=
(initializer_list< value_type > __l) [inline]
Definition at line 144 of file profile/set.h.
template<typename _Key , typename
_Compare = std::less<_Key>, typename _Allocator =
std::allocator<_Key>> const_reverse_iterator
std::__profile::set< _Key, _Compare, _Allocator
>::rbegin () const [inline], [noexcept]
Definition at line 188 of file profile/set.h.
template<typename _Key , typename
_Compare = std::less<_Key>, typename _Allocator =
std::allocator<_Key>> reverse_iterator
std::__profile::set< _Key, _Compare, _Allocator
>::rbegin () [inline], [noexcept]
Definition at line 181 of file profile/set.h.
template<typename _Key , typename
_Compare = std::less<_Key>, typename _Allocator =
std::allocator<_Key>> const_reverse_iterator
std::__profile::set< _Key, _Compare, _Allocator
>::rend () const [inline], [noexcept]
Definition at line 202 of file profile/set.h.
template<typename _Key , typename
_Compare = std::less<_Key>, typename _Allocator =
std::allocator<_Key>> reverse_iterator
std::__profile::set< _Key, _Compare, _Allocator
>::rend () [inline], [noexcept]
Definition at line 195 of file profile/set.h.
template<typename _Key , typename
_Compare = std::less<_Key>, typename _Allocator =
std::allocator<_Key>> void std::__profile::set<
_Key, _Compare, _Allocator >::swap (set<
_Key, _Compare, _Allocator > & __x) [inline],
Definition at line 225 of file profile/set.h.
template<typename _Key , typename
_Compare = std::less<_Key>, typename _Allocator =
std::allocator<_Key>> template<typename _Kt ,
typename _Req = typename __has_is_transparent<_Compare,
_Kt>::type> iterator std::__profile::set< _Key,
_Compare, _Allocator >::upper_bound (const _Kt &
__x) [inline]
Definition at line 480 of file profile/set.h.
template<typename _Key , typename
_Compare = std::less<_Key>, typename _Allocator =
std::allocator<_Key>> template<typename _Kt ,
typename _Req = typename __has_is_transparent<_Compare,
_Kt>::type> const_iterator std::__profile::set<
_Key, _Compare, _Allocator >::upper_bound (const
_Kt & __x) const [inline]
Definition at line 491 of file profile/set.h.
template<typename _Key , typename
_Compare = std::less<_Key>, typename _Allocator =
std::allocator<_Key>> iterator std::__profile::set<
_Key, _Compare, _Allocator >::upper_bound (const
key_type & __x) [inline]
Definition at line 460 of file profile/set.h.
template<typename _Key , typename
_Compare = std::less<_Key>, typename _Allocator =
std::allocator<_Key>> const_iterator
std::__profile::set< _Key, _Compare, _Allocator
>::upper_bound (const key_type & __x) const
Definition at line 468 of file profile/set.h.