soldout_renderers, lus_attr_escape, lus_body_escapevarious markdown to HTML renderers for soldout

#include <renderers.h>

lus_attr_escape(struct buf *ob, const char *str, size_t len);

lus_body_escape(struct buf *ob, const char *str, size_t len);

extern const struct mkd_renderer mkd_html;
extern const struct mkd_renderer mkd_xhtml;
extern const struct mkd_renderer discount_html;
extern const struct mkd_renderer discount_xhtml;
extern const struct mkd_renderer nat_html;
extern const struct mkd_renderer nat_xhtml;

The () and () functions escape all problematic characters in (X)HTML: ‘<’, ‘>’, ‘&’, ‘"’; and ‘<’, ‘>’, ‘&’ respectively. They accept a string str of the length len and output into ob buffer.

All provided renderers come with two flavors, _html producing HTML code (self-closing tags are rendered like this: <hr>), and _xhtml producing XHTML code (self-closing tags like <hr />).

mkd_html and mkd_xhtml implement standard markdown to (X)HTML translation without any extension.

discount_html and discount_xhtml implement on top of the standard markdown some of the extensions found in Discount and PHP-Markdown-like tables. Here is a list of all extensions included in these renderers:

nat_html and nat_xhtml implement on top of Discount extensions and Natasha's own extensions. Here is a list of these extensions:

The lus_attr_escape() and lus_body_escape() functions do not return a value.

soldout(3), soldout_buffer(3), soldout_markdown(3)

The soldout library was written by Natasha "Kerensikova" Porte <>. Manual page was originally written by Massimo Manghi <>, and rewritten to mdoc format by Svyatoslav Mishyn <>.

April 13, 2016 Debian