shgrid_params(3NCARG) NCAR GRAPHICS shgrid_params(3NCARG)

shgrid_params - This document briefly describes all the internal parameters of Shgrid.

Each entry below includes the name of a parameter, its Fortran type (use the obvious equivalents for C), its default value, and a short description of the parameter.

´NCL´ - Integer - (N/3)**(1/3)
Granularity of 3-D cell grid
´NFL´ - Integer - 32
Number of input data values within the sphere of influence.
´NLS´ - Integer - 17
Nouber of data values used in the least squares fit.

shgrid, shseti, shgeti, shsetnp, c_shgrid, c_shseti, c_shseti, c_shgetnp.

Complete documentation for Shgrid is available at URL

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University Corporation for Atmospheric Research

The use of this Software is governed by a License Agreement.

September 1999 UNIX