qwtchangelog - What's new in Qwt 6.1
- QwtPlotBarChart
Bar chart, see 'examples/distrowatch'
- QwtPlotMultiBarChart
Chart of grouped bars - stacked or aligned side by side. See
- QwtPlotTradingCurve
Candlestick or OHLC charts typically used to describe price movements over
time. See 'examples/stockchart'
- QwtPlotShapeItem
A plot item to display rectangles, circles, polygons and all other type of
shapes ( built from intersections or unifications ), that can be expressed
by a QPainterPath. See 'examples/itemeditor'
- QwtPlotLegendItem
A legend on the plot canvas. See 'examples/legends'
- QwtPlotZoneItem
A horizontal or vertical section
- QwtPlotTextLabel
In opposite to a QwtPlotMarker the text is not aligned to a plot
coordinate but according to the geometry of the canvas ( f.e top/centered
for a title ). See 'playground/curvetracker'.
QwtScaleTransformation has been replaced by QwtTransform
and its derived classes:
- QwtTransform
- QwtNullTransform
- QwtLogTransform
- QwtPowerTransform
Individual transformations ( f.e. different scaling for special
sections ) can be implemented by overloading QwtTransform ( see
playground/scaleengine ).
QwtLinearScaleEngine and QwtLogScaleEngine are not
limited to base 10 anymore.
A set of a new classes for displaying datetime values:
- QwtDate
A collection of methods to convert between QDateTime and doubles
- QwtDateScaleEngine
A scale engine that aligns and finds ticks in terms of datetime units.
- QwtDateScaleDraw
A scale draw mapping values to datetime strings.
Scales for Qt::UTC and Qt::LocalTime are supported.
Many parts of the class design of the dial and meter widgets were
left over from the 90s ( Qwt 0.2, Qt 1.1 ).
The derivation tree is simpler and more logical:
- QwtAbstractScale is a QWidget
- QwtAbstractSlider is a QwtAbstractScale. ( for sliders
without scales QAbstractSlider should be the base class )
- QwtThermo is also a QwtAbstractScale
- QwtDial, QwtKnob, QwtSlider are derived from
- QwtCounter is derived from QWidget
QwtDoubleRange has been removed.
All classes use the terminology known from QAbstractSlider - as
far as possible. The extended system for scales is completely
QwtPlotGLCanvas offers the option to draw plot items using
an OpenGL paint engine ( QPaintEngine::OpenGL/OpenGL2 ), This is not what
could be implemented with native OpenGL, but it offers hardware acceleration
in environments, where the raster paint engine is the only option. ( f.e
Qt4/Windows, or Qt5 on all platforms ).
QwtPlotGLCanvas is in an experimental state and is not
recommended for average use cases.
QwtLegend has been decoupled from QwtPlot and can be
replaced by application specific implementations. Plot items and the legend
exchange the information using QwtLegendData.
QwtPlotLegendItem is a new plot item that displays a legend
on the plot canvas.
The following examples demonstrate how to use the new system:
- examples/legends
shows how to use the new legend system
- examples/stockchart
implementats a QTreeView with checkable items as legend
QwtGraphic can be copied like QImage or QPixmap but is
scalable like QSvgGenerator. It is implemented as a record/replay paint
device like QPicture.
QwtWidgetOverlay is a base class for implementing widget
overlays - primarily used for use cases like graphical editors or running
cursors for the plot canvas.
The following examples show how to use overlays:
- examples/itemeditor
- examples/curvetracker
QwtPicker ( -> QwtPlotPicker,
QwtPlotZoomer ) internally uses QwtWidgetOverlay now, making
it easier to implement individual rubber bands.
New symbol types have been introduced:
- QwtSymbol::Path
- QwtSymbol::Pixmap
- QwtSymbol::Graphic
- QwtSymbol::SvgDocument
QwtSymbol autodetect the most performant paint strategy for
a paint device what is in most situations using a QPixmap cache.
QwtSymbol::setPinPoint() allows one to align the symbol
individually, f.e to the position of the peak of an arrow.
Some optimizations that got lost with introducing the floating
point based render code with Qwt 6.0 have been reenabled. Other specific
optimizations have been added.
New paint attributes:
- QwtPlotCurve::FilterPoints
- QwtPlotCurve::MinimizeMemory
- QwtPlotCurve::ImageBuffer
QwtPlotCurve::CacheSymbols has been removed, as caching is
implemented in QwtSymbol now.
QwtPlotCurve::drawLines(), QwtPlotCurve::drawDots(),
QwtPlotCurve::drawSteps() and QwtPlotCurve::drawSticks() are
virtual now.
A footer similar to a title has been added.
QwtPlot::ExternalLegend is obsolete with the new system for
legends. The signals QwtPlot::legendClicked(), QwtPlot::legendChecked()
have been removed. Applications need to connect to
QwtLegend::clicked() and QwtLegend::checked().
To support using an OpenGL canvas QwtPlot::setCanvas has
been added. This has 2 important implications for the application code:
- QwtPlot::canvas() returns QWidget and needs to be casted, when
using methods of QwtPlotCanvas.
- QwtPlotCanvas can be created and assigned in application code, what
makes it possible to derive and overload methods.
The initialization of a plot canvas with Qwt 6.1 will probably
look like this:
QwtPlotCanvas* canvas = new QwtPlotCanvas();
canvas->setXY( ... );
plot->setCanvas( canvas );
To have a consistent API QwtPlot::setPlotLayout() has been
The following methods have been added:
- QwtScaleDiv::inverted()
- QwtScaleDiv::bounded()
- QwtScaleDiv::isEmpty()
- QwtScaleDiv::isIncreasing()
- QDebug operator
The following methods have been removed:
- •
- QwtScaleDiv::isValid(), QwtScaleDiv::invalidate()
The valid state was left over from early Qwt versions indicating a state of
the autoscaler.
The following methods have been added:
- QwtScaleEngine::setBase()
- QwtScaleEngine::setTransformation()
The following flags have been added:
- QwtPlotLayout::IgnoreTitle
- QwtPlotLayout::IgnoreFooter
- QwtPlotLayout::setAlignCanvasToScale()
Rounded borders ( like with style sheets ) can configured using
- QwtWeedingCurveFitter
QwtWeedingCurveFitter::setChunkSize() has been added, with drastic
performance improvements for huge sets of points.
- QwtPlotRenderer The frame of the plot canvas can be rendered, what
makes the result even closer to WYSWYG. QwtPlotRenderer::exportTo()
has been added.
- QwtSystemClock For Qt >= 4.9 QwtSystemClock uses
QElapsedTimer internally. As it doesn't support a similar feature,
QwtSystemClock::precision() has been removed.
- QwtPlotAbstractSeriesItem
QwtPlotAbstractSeriesItem has been split into QwtPlotSeriesItem and
- QwtText
A metatype declaration has been added, so that QwtText can be used
with QVariant.
- QwtEventPattern, QwtPanner, QwtMagnifier
Forgotten Qt3 leftovers have been fixed: int ->
- QPen Qt5/Qt4 incompatibility The default pen width for Qt5 is 1, what
makes it a non cosmetic. To hide this nasty incompatibility several
setPen() methods have been added the build pens with a width 0. See
- qwtUpperSampleIndex()
A binary search algorithm for sorted samples
- QwtMatrixRasterData QwtMatrixRasterData::setValue() has been
- QwtPicker QwtPicker::rubberBandWidget(), QwtPicker::trackerWidget()
have been replaced by QwtPicker::rubberBandOverlay(),
QwtPicker::trackerOverlay(). QwtPicker::rubberBandMask() has
been added. QwtPicker::pickRect() has been replaced by
- QwtPlotItem QwtPlotItem::ItemInterest has been added.
QwtPlotItem::setRenderThreadCount() was shifted from
- ...
- QwtAbstractLegend
- QwtDate
- QwtDateScaleDraw
- QwtDateScaleEngine
- QwtGraphic
- QwtLegendData
- QwtLegendLabel
- QwtPainterCommand
- QwtPixelMatrix
- QwtPlotAbstractBarChart
- QwtPlotBarChart
- QwtPlotMultiBarChart
- QwtPlotGLCanvas
- QwtPlotLegendItem
- QwtPlotShapeItem
- QwtPlotTextLabel
- QwtPlotTradingCurve
- QwtPlotZoneItem
- QwtPointData
- QwtPointMapper
- QwtTransform, QwtNullTransform, QwtLogTransform,
- QwtWidgetOverlay