pqt-composites(3) libpqtypes Manual pqt-composites(3)

pqt-composites - A manual for libpqtypes composite handling.

Please read the pqt-specs(3) manual page prior to this document. This document does not explain how to put or get data types. It only describes how to put or get composites and composite arrays.

A composite is put using the PGparam structure. Each attribute of a composite is put into a PGparam. When all attributes have been put, the PGparam is put into another PGparam. Composites must be registered on a per connection basis, `man pqt-handlers(3)´.

To get a composite, a PGresult structure is used. Each composite attribute is a field of the result. For non-array composites, there is always only one tuple.

Composites are only handled using binary format. This means that any type used as a composite attribute must be put and gotten in binary format. If a user-defined type does not implement a send and recv function in the backend, it can not be used as a composite attribute.

This example demostrates the basics of putting and getting a composite type.

CREATE TYPE simple AS (a int4, t text);
PGregisterType type = {"simple", NULL, NULL};
/* need to register the simple composite */
PQregisterTypes(conn, PQT_COMPOSITE, &type, 1, 0);
/* Composite attributes are put into PGparam structures */
PGparam *simple = PQparamCreate(conn);
/* put the simple composite attributes */
PQputf(simple, "%int4 %text*", 45, "foobar");
/* Put an int4 and a simple composite */
PGparam *param = PQparamCreate(conn);
PQputf(param, "%int4 %simple", 10, simple);
/* exec an insert */
res = PQparamExec(conn, param, "INSERT INTO t VALUES($1,$2)", resfmt);
/* -------------------------
 * Getting a composite
PGint4 i4;
PGtext textp;
char text[80];
PGresult *simple;
/* Get a simple composite, provide a ptr to a PGresult ptr. */
PQgetf(result, 0, "%simple", 0, &simple);
/* no longer needed */
/* Get the simple composite attributes from the simple result.
 * Reference fields by name by using a '#' rather than a '%'.
 * The field names are the composite attributes.
PQgetf(simple, 0, "#int4 #text", "a", &i4, "t", &textp);
strcpy(text, textp);

In the above example, we used the ´#´ specifier mark to reference fields by their name. The field names for a composite result object are the composite attribute names.

The below example puts and gets a nested composite. The simple composite is used as an attribute within the complex composite.

CREATE TYPE simple AS (a int4, t text)
CREATE TYPE complex AS (f8 float8, s simple);
/* need to register simple and complex */
PGregisterType types[] = {
	{"simple", NULL, NULL},
	{"complex", NULL, NULL}
PQregisterTypes(conn, PQT_COMPOSITE, types, 2, 0);
/* Composite attributes are put into PGparam structures */
PGparam *simple = PQparamCreate(conn);
PGparam *complex = PQparamCreate(conn);
/* put the simple composite attributes */
PQputf(simple, "%int4 %text*", 45, "foobar");
/* put the complex composite attributes, which includes
 * a nested composite.
PQputf(complex, "%float8 %simple", 111.2223334, simple);
/* no longer needed */
/* Put an int4 and a complex composite */
PGparam *param = PQparamCreate(conn);
PQputf(param, "%int4 %complex", 10, complex);
/* exec an insert */
res = PQparamExec(conn, param, "INSERT INTO t VALUES($1,$2)", resfmt);
/* -------------------------
 * Getting a nested composite
PGfloat8 f8;
PGint4 i4;
PGtext textp;
char text[80];
PGresult *complex;
PGresult *simple;
/* Get the complex composite, provide a ptr to a PGresult ptr. */
PQgetf(result, 0, "%complex", 0, &complex);
/* no longer needed */
/* Get the complex composite attributes from the complex result.
 * Composite attributes are the result fields.  When getting
 * a single composite, non-array, only tuple 0 will exist.
 * For the nested simple composite, we again provide a ptr to
 * a PGresult ptr.
PQgetf(complex, 0, "%float8 %simple", 0, &f8, 1, &simple);
/* no longer needed */
/* Get the simple composite attributes from the simple result.
 * Reference fields by name by using a '#' rather than a '%'.
PQgetf(simple, 0, "#int4 #text", "a", &i4, "t", &textp);
strcpy(text, textp);

This example makes an array of complex composites. It builds off the previous example.

int i;
PGarray complex_arr;
PGparam *simple = PQparamCreate(conn);
PGparam *complex = PQparamCreate(conn);
complex_arr.ndims = 0;
complex_arr.param = PQparamCreate(conn);
for(i=0; i < 100; i++)
  /* put the simple composite attributes */
  PQputf(simple, "%int4 %text*", 45, "foobar");
  /* put the complex composite attributes, which includes
   * a nested composite.
  PQputf(complex, "%float8 %simple", 111.2223334, simple);
  /* put the complex composite */
  PQputf(complex_arr.param, "%complex", complex);
  /* You must reset the simple and complex composites for
   * the next loop iteration.
/* not needed anymore */
/* Put a complex composite array */
PGparam *param = PQparamCreate(conn);
PQputf(param, "%complex[]", &complex_arr);
/* exec an insert */
res = PQparamExec(conn, param, "INSERT INTO t VALUES($1)", resfmt);
/* -------------------------
 * Getting an array of composites
int i;
int ntups;
PGfloat8 f8;
PGint4 i4;
PGtext textp;
PGresult *simple;
PGarray complex_arr;
/* Get the complex[], provide a ptr to a PGarray. */
PQgetf(exec_result, 0, "%complex[]", 0, &complex_arr);
/* no longer needed */
ntups = PQntuples(complex_arr.res);
for(i=0; i < ntups; i++)
  PQgetf(complex_arr.res, i, "%float8 %simple", 0, &f8, 1, &simple);
  /* Nested composites are like any other composite, tuple 0!  Unless,
   * its a nested composite array.
  PQgetf(simple, 0, "#int4 #text", "a", &i4, "t", &textp);
  printf("(%f, (%d, %s))\n", f8, i4, textp);


A contribution of eSilo, LLC. for the PostgreSQL Database Management System. Written by Andrew Chernow and Merlin Moncure.

Report bugs to <libpqtypes@esilo.com>.

Copyright (c) 2011 eSilo, LLC. All rights reserved.
This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is NO warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.

PQgetf(3), PQputf(3), PQputvf(3)

2011 libpqtypes