pappl-system(3) | pappl system functions | pappl-system(3) |
pappl-system - pappl system functions
Printer Application Framework (libpappl, "pkg-config --cflags --libs pappl")
#include <pappl/pappl.h>
typedef struct _pappl_system_s pappl_system_t;
papplSystemAddListeners(pappl_system_t *system, const char
papplSystemAddMIMEFilter(pappl_system_t *system, const char
*srctype, const char *dsttype, pappl_mime_filter_cb_t cb, void
papplSystemCleanJobs(pappl_system_t *system);
pappl_system_t *
papplSystemCreate(pappl_soptions_t options, const char *name, int
port, const char *subtypes, const char *spooldir, const char *logfile,
pappl_loglevel_t loglevel, const char *auth_service, bool tls_only);
papplSystemDelete(pappl_system_t *system);
pappl_printer_t *
papplSystemFindPrinter(pappl_system_t *system, const char *resource,
int printer_id, const char *device_uri);
char *
papplSystemGetAdminGroup(pappl_system_t *system, char *buffer,
size_t bufsize);
const char *
papplSystemGetAuthService(pappl_system_t *system);
pappl_contact_t *
papplSystemGetContact(pappl_system_t *system, pappl_contact_t
papplSystemGetDefaultPrinterID(pappl_system_t *system);
char *
papplSystemGetDefaultPrintGroup(pappl_system_t *system, char
*buffer, size_t bufsize);
char *
papplSystemGetDNSSDName(pappl_system_t *system, char *buffer, size_t
const char *
papplSystemGetFooterHTML(pappl_system_t *system);
char *
papplSystemGetGeoLocation(pappl_system_t *system, char *buffer,
size_t bufsize);
char *
papplSystemGetHostname(pappl_system_t *system, char *buffer, size_t
char *
papplSystemGetLocation(pappl_system_t *system, char *buffer, size_t
papplSystemGetLogLevel(pappl_system_t *system);
papplSystemGetMaxLogSize(pappl_system_t *system);
char *
papplSystemGetName(pappl_system_t *system, char *buffer, size_t
papplSystemGetNextPrinterID(pappl_system_t *system);
papplSystemGetOptions(pappl_system_t *system);
char *
papplSystemGetOrganization(pappl_system_t *system, char *buffer,
size_t bufsize);
char *
papplSystemGetOrganizationalUnit(pappl_system_t *system, char
*buffer, size_t bufsize);
char *
papplSystemGetPassword(pappl_system_t *system, char *buffer, size_t
papplSystemGetPort(pappl_system_t *system);
const char *
papplSystemGetServerHeader(pappl_system_t *system);
char *
papplSystemGetSessionKey(pappl_system_t *system, char *buffer,
size_t bufsize);
papplSystemGetTLSOnly(pappl_system_t *system);
const char *
papplSystemGetUUID(pappl_system_t *system);
papplSystemGetVersions(pappl_system_t *system, int max_versions,
pappl_version_t *versions);
char *
papplSystemHashPassword(pappl_system_t *system, const char *salt,
const char *password, char *buffer, size_t bufsize);
papplSystemIsRunning(pappl_system_t *system);
papplSystemIsShutdown(pappl_system_t *system);
papplSystemIteratePrinters(pappl_system_t *system,
pappl_printer_cb_t cb, void *data);
papplSystemLoadState(pappl_system_t *system, const char
const char *
papplSystemMatchDriver(pappl_system_t *system, const char
papplSystemRemoveResource(pappl_system_t *system, const char
papplSystemRun(pappl_system_t *system);
papplSystemSaveState(pappl_system_t *system, const char
papplSystemSetAdminGroup(pappl_system_t *system, const char
papplSystemSetContact(pappl_system_t *system, pappl_contact_t
papplSystemSetDefaultPrinterID(pappl_system_t *system, int
papplSystemSetDefaultPrintGroup(pappl_system_t *system, const char
papplSystemSetDrivers(pappl_system_t *system, int num_drivers,
pappl_driver_t *drivers, pappl_driver_cb_t cb, void *data);
papplSystemSetDNSSDName(pappl_system_t *system, const char
papplSystemSetFooterHTML(pappl_system_t *system, const char
papplSystemSetGeoLocation(pappl_system_t *system, const char
papplSystemSetHostname(pappl_system_t *system, const char
papplSystemSetLocation(pappl_system_t *system, const char
papplSystemSetLogLevel(pappl_system_t *system, pappl_loglevel_t
papplSystemSetMaxLogSize(pappl_system_t *system, size_t
papplSystemSetMIMECallback(pappl_system_t *system, pappl_mime_cb_t
cb, void *data);
papplSystemSetNextPrinterID(pappl_system_t *system, int
papplSystemSetOperationCallback(pappl_system_t *system,
pappl_ipp_op_cb_t cb, void *data);
papplSystemSetOrganization(pappl_system_t *system, const char
papplSystemSetOrganizationalUnit(pappl_system_t *system, const char
papplSystemSetPassword(pappl_system_t *system, const char
papplSystemSetSaveCallback(pappl_system_t *system, pappl_save_cb_t
cb, void *data);
papplSystemSetUUID(pappl_system_t *system, const char
papplSystemSetVersions(pappl_system_t *system, int num_versions,
pappl_version_t *versions);
papplSystemShutdown(pappl_system_t *system);
The PAPPL system functions provide access to the system object. System are created and deleted by the printer application while the life cycle of the pappl_system_t object is managed automatically for the printer application. The papplSystemCreate function creates a new system while the papplSystemDelete function deletes a system.
The papplSystemRun function starts a system while the papplSystemShutdown function stops a running system.
The papplSystemGet functions get the current values associated with a system while the papplSystemSet functions set the current values associated with a system.
Network configuration mode
System option bits
"printer-wifi-state" values
Add a notification event.
void papplSystemAddEvent ( pappl_system_t *system, pappl_printer_t *printer, pappl_job_t *job, pappl_event_t event, const char *message, ... );
Add network or domain socket listeners.
bool papplSystemAddListeners ( pappl_system_t *system, const char *name );
This function adds socket listeners. The "name" parameter specifies the listener address. Names starting with a slash (/) specify a UNIX domain socket path, otherwise the name is treated as a fully-qualified domain name or numeric IPv4 or IPv6 address. If name is NULL, the "any" addresses are used ("" and "[::]").
Listeners cannot be added after papplSystemRun is called.
Add a file filter to the system.
void papplSystemAddMIMEFilter ( pappl_system_t *system, const char *srctype, const char *dsttype, pappl_mime_filter_cb_t cb, void *data );
This function adds a file filter to the system to be used for processing different kinds of document data in print jobs. The "srctype" and "dsttype" arguments specify the source and destination MIME media types as constant strings. A destination MIME media type of "image/pwg-raster" specifies a filter that uses the driver's raster interface. Other destination types imply direct submission to the output device using the papplDeviceXxx functions.
Add a timer callback to a system.
bool papplSystemAddTimerCallback ( pappl_system_t *system, time_t start, int interval, pappl_timer_cb_t cb, void *cb_data );
This function schedules a function that will be called on the main run loop thread at the specified time and optionally every "interval" seconds thereafter. The timimg accuracy is typically within a few milliseconds but is not guaranteed. Since the callback is run on the main run loop thread, functions should create a new thread for any long-running operations.
The callback function receives the "system" and "cb_data" pointers and returns true to repeat the timer or false to remove it:
bool my_timer_cb(pappl_system_t *system, void *cb_data) { ... do periodic task ... return (true); // repeat the timer }
Create a system object.
pappl_system_t * papplSystemCreate ( pappl_soptions_t options, const char *name, int port, const char *subtypes, const char *spooldir, const char *logfile, pappl_loglevel_t loglevel, const char *auth_service, bool tls_only );
This function creates a new system object, which is responsible for managing all the printers, jobs, and resources used by the printer application.
The "options" argument specifies which options are enabled for the server:
The "name" argument specifies a human-readable name for the system.
The "port" argument specifies the port number to bind to. A value of 0 will cause an available port number to be assigned when the first listener is added with the papplSystemAddListeners function.
The "subtypes" argument specifies one or more comma-delimited DNS-SD service sub-types such as "_print" and "_universal".
The "spooldir" argument specifies the location of job files. If NULL, a temporary directory is created.
The "logfile" argument specifies where to send log messages. If NULL, the log messages are written to a temporary file.
The "loglevel" argument specifies the initial logging level.
The "auth_service" argument specifies a PAM authentication service name. If NULL, no user authentication will be provided.
The "tls_only" argument controls whether the printer application will accept unencrypted connections. In general, this argument should always be false (allow unencrypted connections) since not all clients support encrypted printing.
Delete a system object.
void papplSystemDelete ( pappl_system_t *system );
Find a localization for the given printer and language.
pappl_loc_t * papplSystemFindLoc ( pappl_system_t *system, const char *language );
Find a printer by resource, ID, or device URI.
pappl_printer_t * papplSystemFindPrinter ( pappl_system_t *system, const char *resource, int printer_id, const char *device_uri );
This function finds a printer contained in the system using its resource path, unique integer identifier, or device URI. If none of these is specified, the current default printer is returned.
Find a subscription.
pappl_subscription_t * papplSystemFindSubscription ( pappl_system_t *system, int sub_id );
This function finds the numbered event notification subscription on a system.
Get the current administrative group, if any.
char * papplSystemGetAdminGroup ( pappl_system_t *system, char *buffer, size_t bufsize );
This function copies the current administrative group, if any, to the specified buffer.
Get the PAM authorization service, if any.
const char * papplSystemGetAuthService ( pappl_system_t *system );
This function returns the PAM authorization service being used by the system for authentication, if any.
Get the "system-contact" value.
pappl_contact_t * papplSystemGetContact ( pappl_system_t *system, pappl_contact_t *contact );
This function copies the current system contact information to the specified buffer.
Get the current DNS-SD service name.
char * papplSystemGetDNSSDName ( pappl_system_t *system, char *buffer, size_t bufsize );
This function copies the current DNS-SD service name of the system, if any, to the specified buffer.
Get the default print group, if any.
char * papplSystemGetDefaultPrintGroup ( pappl_system_t *system, char *buffer, size_t bufsize );
This function copies the current default print group, if any, to the specified buffer.
Get the current "default-printer-id" value.
int papplSystemGetDefaultPrinterID ( pappl_system_t *system );
This function returns the positive integer identifier for the current default printer or 0 if there is no default printer.
Get the footer HTML for the web interface, if any.
const char * papplSystemGetFooterHTML ( pappl_system_t *system );
This function returns the HTML for the web page footer, if any. The footer HTML can be set using the papplSystemSetFooterHTML function.
Get the system geo-location string, if any.
char * papplSystemGetGeoLocation ( pappl_system_t *system, char *buffer, size_t bufsize );
This function copies the current system geographic location as a "geo:" URI to the specified buffer.
Get the system hostname.
char * papplSystemGetHostName ( pappl_system_t *system, char *buffer, size_t bufsize );
This function copies the current system hostname to the specified buffer.
Get the port number for network connections to
the system.
int papplSystemGetHostPort ( pappl_system_t *system );
This function returns the port number that is used for network connections to the system.
Get the system location string, if any.
char * papplSystemGetLocation ( pappl_system_t *system, char *buffer, size_t bufsize );
This function copies the current human-readable location, if any, to the specified buffer.
Get the system log level.
pappl_loglevel_t papplSystemGetLogLevel ( pappl_system_t *system );
This function returns the current system log level as an enumeration.
Get the maximum number of clients.
int papplSystemGetMaxClients ( pappl_system_t *system );
This function gets the maximum number of simultaneous clients that are allowed by the system.
Get the maximum supported size for images.
size_t papplSystemGetMaxImageSize ( pappl_system_t *system, int *max_width, int *max_height );
This function retrieves the image size limits in bytes (uncompressed), columns, and lines.
Get the maximum log file size.
size_t papplSystemGetMaxLogSize ( pappl_system_t *system );
This function gets the maximum log file size, which is only used when logging directly to a file. When the limit is reached, the current log file is renamed to "filename.O" and a new log file is created. Set the maximum size to 0 to disable log file rotation.
The default maximum log file size is 1MiB or 1048576 bytes.
Get the maximum number of event subscriptions.
size_t papplSystemGetMaxSubscriptions ( pappl_system_t *system );
This function gets the maximum number of event subscriptions that are allowed. A maximum of 0 means there is no limit.
The default maximum number of event subscriptions is 100.
Get the system name.
char * papplSystemGetName ( pappl_system_t *system, char *buffer, size_t bufsize );
This function copies the current system name to the specified buffer.
Get the next "printer-id" value.
int papplSystemGetNextPrinterID ( pappl_system_t *system );
This function returns the positive integer identifier that will be used for the next printer that is created.
Get the system options.
pappl_soptions_t papplSystemGetOptions ( pappl_system_t *system );
This function returns the system options as a bitfield.
Get the system organization string, if any.
char * papplSystemGetOrganization ( pappl_system_t *system, char *buffer, size_t bufsize );
This function copies the current organization name, if any, to the specified buffer.
Get the system organizational unit string, if any.
char * papplSystemGetOrganizationalUnit ( pappl_system_t *system, char *buffer, size_t bufsize );
This function copies the current organizational unit name, if any, to the specified buffer.
Get the current web site access password.
char * papplSystemGetPassword ( pappl_system_t *system, char *buffer, size_t bufsize );
This function copies the current web site password hash, if any, to the specified buffer.
Note: The access password is only used when the PAM authentication service is not set.
Get the Server: header for HTTP responses.
const char * papplSystemGetServerHeader ( pappl_system_t *system );
This function returns the value of the HTTP "Server:" header that is used by the system.
Get the current session key.
char * papplSystemGetSessionKey ( pappl_system_t *system, char *buffer, size_t bufsize );
This function copies the current session key to the specified buffer. The session key is used for web interface forms to provide CSRF protection and is refreshed periodically.
Get the TLS-only state of the system.
bool papplSystemGetTLSOnly ( pappl_system_t *system );
This function returns whether the system will only accept encrypted connections.
Get the "system-uuid" value.
const char * papplSystemGetUUID ( pappl_system_t *system );
This function returns the system's UUID value.
Get the firmware names and versions.
int papplSystemGetVersions ( pappl_system_t *system, int max_versions, pappl_version_t *versions );
This function copies the system firmware information to the specified buffer. The return value is always the number of firmware versions that have been set using the papplSystemSetVersions function, regardless of the value of the "max_versions" argument.
Generate a password hash using salt and password strings.
char * papplSystemHashPassword ( pappl_system_t *system, const char *salt, const char *password, char *buffer, size_t bufsize );
This function generates a password hash using the "salt" and "password" strings. The "salt" string should be NULL to generate a new password hash or the value of an existing password hash to verify that a given plaintext "password" string matches the password hash.
Return whether the system is running.
bool papplSystemIsRunning ( pappl_system_t *system );
This function returns whether the system is running.
Return whether the system has been shutdown.
bool papplSystemIsShutdown ( pappl_system_t *system );
This function returns whether the system is shutdown or scheduled to shutdown.
Iterate all of the printers.
void papplSystemIteratePrinters ( pappl_system_t *system, pappl_printer_cb_t cb, void *data );
This function iterates each of the printers managed by the system. The "cb" function is called once per printer with the "system" and "data" values.
Load the previous system state.
bool papplSystemLoadState ( pappl_system_t *system, const char *filename );
This function loads the previous system state from a file created by the papplSystemSaveState function. The system state contains all of the system object values, the list of printers, and the jobs for each printer.
When loading a printer definition, if the printer cannot be created (e.g., because the driver name is no longer valid) then that printer and all of its job history will be lost. In the case of a bad driver name, a printer application's driver callback can perform any necessary mapping of the driver name, including the use its auto-add callback to find a compatible new driver.
const char * papplSystemMatchDriver ( pappl_system_t *system, const char *device_id );
Remove a timer callback.
void papplSystemRemoveTimerCallback ( pappl_system_t *system, pappl_timer_cb_t cb, void *cb_data );
This function removes all matching timer callbacks from the specified system. Both the callback function and data must match to remove a timer.
Run the printer application.
void papplSystemRun ( pappl_system_t *system );
This function runs the printer application, accepting new connections, handling requests, and processing jobs as needed. It returns once the system is shutdown, either through an IPP request or SIGTERM.
Save the current system state.
bool papplSystemSaveState ( pappl_system_t *system, const char *filename );
This function saves the current system state to a file. It is typically used with the papplSystemSetSaveCallback function to periodically save the state:
papplSystemSetSaveCallback(system, (pappl_save_cb_t)papplSystemSaveState, (void *)filename);
Set the administrative group.
void papplSystemSetAdminGroup ( pappl_system_t *system, const char *value );
This function sets the group name used for administrative requests such as adding or deleting a printer.
Set an authentication callback for the specified scheme.
void papplSystemSetAuthCallback ( pappl_system_t *system, const char *auth_scheme, pappl_auth_cb_t auth_cb, void *auth_cbdata );
This function sets the authentication callback that is used for Client requests. The authentication callback is used for every Client request containing the WWW-Authenticate header (HTTP_FIELD_WWW_AUTHENTICATE). The callback returns one of the following status codes:
Set the "system-contact" value.
void papplSystemSetContact ( pappl_system_t *system, pappl_contact_t *contact );
This function sets the system contact value.
Set the DNS-SD service name.
void papplSystemSetDNSSDName ( pappl_system_t *system, const char *value );
This function sets the DNS-SD service name of the system. If NULL, the DNS-SD registration is removed.
Set the default print group.
void papplSystemSetDefaultPrintGroup ( pappl_system_t *system, const char *value );
This function sets the default group name used for print requests.
Set the "default-printer-id" value.
void papplSystemSetDefaultPrinterID ( pappl_system_t *system, int default_printer_id );
This function sets the default printer using its unique positive integer identifier.
Set a callback for monitoring system events.
void papplSystemSetEventCallback ( pappl_system_t *system, pappl_event_cb_t event_cb, void *event_data );
This function sets a callback function to receive event notifications from the system.
Set the footer HTML for the web interface.
void papplSystemSetFooterHTML ( pappl_system_t *system, const char *html );
This function sets the footer HTML for the web interface.
Set the geographic location string.
void papplSystemSetGeoLocation ( pappl_system_t *system, const char *value );
This function sets the geographic location of the system as a "geo:" URI. If NULL, the location is cleared.
Set the system hostname.
void papplSystemSetHostName ( pappl_system_t *system, const char *value );
This function sets the system hostname. If NULL, the default hostname is used.
Set the system location string, if any.
void papplSystemSetLocation ( pappl_system_t *system, const char *value );
This function sets the human-readable location of the system. If NULL, the location is cleared.
Set the system log level
void papplSystemSetLogLevel ( pappl_system_t *system, pappl_loglevel_t loglevel );
This function sets the log level as an enumeration.
Set the MIME typing callback for the system.
void papplSystemSetMIMECallback ( pappl_system_t *system, pappl_mime_cb_t cb, void *data );
This function sets a custom MIME typing callback for the system. The MIME typing callback extends the built-in MIME typing support for other media types that are supported by the application, typically vendor print formats.
The callback function receives a buffer containing the initial bytes of the document data, the length of the buffer, and the callback data. It can then return NULL if the content is not recognized or a constant string containing the MIME media type, for example "application/vnd.hp-pcl" for HP PCL print data.
Set the maximum number of clients.
void papplSystemSetMaxClients ( pappl_system_t *system, int max_clients );
This function sets the maximum number of simultaneous clients that are allowed by the system from 0 (auto) to 32768 (half of the available TCP port numbers).
The default maximum number of clients is based on available system resources.
Set the maximum allowed JPEG/PNG image sizes.
void papplSystemSetMaxImageSize ( pappl_system_t *system, size_t max_size, int max_width, int max_height );
This function sets the maximum size allowed for JPEG and PNG images. The default limits are 16384x16384 and 1/10th the maximum memory the current process can use or 1GiB, whichever is less.
Set the maximum log file size in bytes.
void papplSystemSetMaxLogSize ( pappl_system_t *system, size_t maxsize );
This function sets the maximum log file size in bytes, which is only used when logging directly to a file. When the limit is reached, the current log file is renamed to "filename.O" and a new log file is created. Set the maximum size to 0 to disable log file rotation.
The default maximum log file size is 1MiB or 1048576 bytes.
Set the maximum number of event subscriptions.
void papplSystemSetMaxSubscriptions ( pappl_system_t *system, size_t max_subscriptions );
This function Sets the maximum number of event subscriptions that are allowed. A maximum of 0 means there is no limit.
The default maximum number of event subscriptions is 100.
Set the network configuration callbacks.
void papplSystemSetNetworkCallbacks ( pappl_system_t *system, pappl_network_get_cb_t get_cb, pappl_network_set_cb_t set_cb, void *cb_data );
This function sets the network configuration callbacks for a system. The "get" callback reads the configuration of all network interfaces and stores them in an array of pappl_network_t structures that is passed to the callback. The "set" callback writes the configuration of all network interfaces and returns a boolean value indicating whether the configuration has been written successfully.
Set the next "printer-id" value.
void papplSystemSetNextPrinterID ( pappl_system_t *system, int next_printer_id );
This function sets the unique positive integer identifier that will be used for the next printer that is created. It is typically only called as part of restoring the state of a system.
Set the IPP operation callback.
void papplSystemSetOperationCallback ( pappl_system_t *system, pappl_ipp_op_cb_t cb, void *data );
This function sets a custom IPP operation handler for the system that is called for any IPP operations that are not handled by the built-in IPP services.
Set the system organization string, if any.
void papplSystemSetOrganization ( pappl_system_t *system, const char *value );
This function sets the organization name for the system. If NULL, the name is cleared.
Set the system organizational unit
string, if any.
void papplSystemSetOrganizationalUnit ( pappl_system_t *system, const char *value );
This function sets the organizational unit name for the system. If NULL, the name is cleared.
Set the access password hash string.
void papplSystemSetPassword ( pappl_system_t *system, const char *hash );
This function sets the hash for the web access password. The hash string is generated using the papplSystemHashPassword function.
Set the list of drivers and the driver
void papplSystemSetPrinterDrivers ( pappl_system_t *system, int num_drivers, pappl_pr_driver_t *drivers, pappl_pr_autoadd_cb_t autoadd_cb, pappl_pr_create_cb_t create_cb, pappl_pr_driver_cb_t driver_cb, void *data );
This function sets the lists of printer drivers, the optional auto-add callback function, the optional creation callback, and the required driver initialization callback function.
The auto-add callback ("autoadd_cb") finds a compatible driver name for the specified printer. It is used when the client or user specifies the "auto" driver name, and for the "autoadd" sub-command for the papplMainloop API.
The creation callback ("create_cb") is called at the end of printer creation to make any common changes or additions to a new printer. It is typically used to add extra web pages, add per-printer static resources, and/or initialize the contact and location information.
The driver initialization callback ("driver_cb") is called to initialize the pappl_pr_driver_data_t structure, which provides all of the printer capabilities and callbacks for printing.
Set the save callback.
void papplSystemSetSaveCallback ( pappl_system_t *system, pappl_save_cb_t cb, void *data );
This function sets a callback that is used to periodically save the current system state. Typically the callback function ("cb") is papplSystemSaveState and the callback data ("data") is the name of the state file:
papplSystemSetSaveCallback(system, (pappl_save_cb_t)papplSystemSaveState, (void *)filename);
Set the system UUID.
void papplSystemSetUUID ( pappl_system_t *system, const char *value );
This function sets the system UUID value, overriding the default (generated) value. It is typically used when restoring the state of a previous incarnation of the system.
Set the firmware names and versions.
void papplSystemSetVersions ( pappl_system_t *system, int num_versions, pappl_version_t *versions );
This function sets the names and versions of each firmware/software component of the printer application.
Set Wi-Fi callbacks.
void papplSystemSetWiFiCallbacks ( pappl_system_t *system, pappl_wifi_join_cb_t join_cb, pappl_wifi_list_cb_t list_cb, pappl_wifi_status_cb_t status_cb, void *data );
This function sets the 802.11 Wi-Fi interface callbacks for the system. The "join_cb" is used to join a Wi-Fi network, the "list_cb" is used to list available networks, and the "status_cb" is used to query the current Wi-Fi network connection status and Secure Set Identifier (SSID). The "join_cb" and "status_cb" functions are used to support getting and setting the IPP "printer-wifi-state", "printer-wifi-ssid", and "printer-wifi-password" attributes, while the "list_cb" function enables changing the Wi-Fi network from the network web interface, if enabled.
Note: The Wi-Fi callbacks can only be set prior to calling papplSystemRun.
Shutdown the system.
void papplSystemShutdown ( pappl_system_t *system );
This function tells the system to perform an orderly shutdown of all printers and to terminate the main loop.
Network interface information
struct pappl_network_s { http_addr_t addr4; http_addr_t addr6; pappl_netconf_t config4; pappl_netconf_t config6; http_addr_t dns[2]; char domain[64]; http_addr_t gateway4; http_addr_t gateway6; char ident[256]; http_addr_t linkaddr6; http_addr_t mask4; char name[64]; unsigned prefix6; bool up; };
Printer driver information
struct pappl_pr_driver_s { const char *description; const char *device_id; void *extension; const char *name; };
Firmware version information
struct pappl_version_s { char name[64]; char patches[64]; char sversion[64]; unsigned short version[4]; };
Wi-Fi status/configuration information
struct pappl_wifi_s { char ssid[128]; pappl_wifi_state_t state; };
Authentication callback
typedef http_status_t (*pappl_auth_cb_t)(pappl_client_t *client, const char *group, gid_t groupid, void *cb_data);
IPP operation callback function
typedef bool (*pappl_ipp_op_cb_t)(pappl_client_t *client, void *data);
MIME typing callback function
typedef const char * (*pappl_mime_cb_t)(const unsigned char *header, size_t headersize, void *data);
Filter callback function
typedef bool (*pappl_mime_filter_cb_t)(pappl_job_t *job, pappl_device_t *device, void *data);
Network configuration mode
typedef enum pappl_netconf_e pappl_netconf_t;
Get networks callback
typedef size_t (*pappl_network_get_cb_t)(pappl_system_t *system, void *cb_data, size_t max_networks, pappl_network_t *networks);
Set networks callback
typedef bool (*pappl_network_set_cb_t)(pappl_system_t *system, void *cb_data, size_t num_networks, pappl_network_t *networks);
Network interface information
typedef struct pappl_network_s pappl_network_t;
Auto-add callback
typedef const char * (*pappl_pr_autoadd_cb_t)(const char *device_info, const char *device_uri, const char *device_id, void *data);
Printer creation callback
typedef void (*pappl_pr_create_cb_t)(pappl_printer_t *printer, void *data);
Driver callback function
typedef bool (*pappl_pr_driver_cb_t)(pappl_system_t *system, const char *driver_name, const char *device_uri, const char *device_id, pappl_pr_driver_data_t *driver_data, ipp_t **driver_attrs, void *data);
Printer driver information
typedef struct pappl_pr_driver_s pappl_pr_driver_t;
Printer iterator callback function
typedef void (*pappl_printer_cb_t)(pappl_printer_t *printer, void *data);
Dynamic resource callback function
typedef bool (*pappl_resource_cb_t)(pappl_client_t *client, void *data);
Save callback function
typedef bool (*pappl_save_cb_t)(pappl_system_t *system, void *data);
Bitfield for system options
typedef unsigned pappl_soptions_t;
Timer callback function
typedef bool (*pappl_timer_cb_t)(pappl_system_t *system, void *cb_data);
Firmware version information
typedef struct pappl_version_s pappl_version_t;
Wi-Fi join callback
typedef bool (*pappl_wifi_join_cb_t)(pappl_system_t *system, void *data, const char *ssid, const char *psk);
Wi-Fi list callback
typedef int (*pappl_wifi_list_cb_t)(pappl_system_t *system, void *data, cups_dest_t **ssids);
"printer-wifi-state" values
typedef enum pappl_wifi_state_e pappl_wifi_state_t;
Wi-Fi status callback
typedef pappl_wifi_t * (*pappl_wifi_status_cb_t)(pappl_system_t *system, void *data, pappl_wifi_t *wifi_data);
Wi-Fi status/configuration information
typedef struct pappl_wifi_s pappl_wifi_t;
pappl(1), pappl-client(3), pappl-device(3), pappl-job(3), pappl-log(3), pappl-mainline(3), pappl-makeresheader(1), pappl-printer(3), pappl-resource(3), pappl-system(3),
Copyright © 2019-2022 by Michael R Sweet.
PAPPL is licensed under the Apache License Version 2.0 with an (optional) exception to allow linking against GPL2/LGPL2 software (like older versions of CUPS), so it can be used freely in any project you'd like. See the files "LICENSE" and "NOTICE" in the source distribution for more information.
pappl system functions | 2022-11-07 |