MOUNT3(3) | mount3 3.0 | MOUNT3(3) |
packet.nfs.mount3 - MOUNTv3 decoding module
struct DUMP3res { mountentry3 *mountlist; };
Methods defined here: ---------------------
__init__(self, unpack) Constructor Initialize object's private data according to the arguments given. Arguments can be given as positional, named arguments or a combination of both.
struct EXPORT3res { exportnode3 *exports; };
Methods defined here: ---------------------
__init__(self, unpack) Constructor Initialize object's private data according to the arguments given. Arguments can be given as positional, named arguments or a combination of both.
struct MNT3args { dirpath3 path; };
Methods defined here: ---------------------
__init__(self, unpack) Constructor Initialize object's private data according to the arguments given. Arguments can be given as positional, named arguments or a combination of both.
union switch MNT3res (mountstat3 status) { case const.MNT3_OK: MNT3resok mountinfo; default: void; };
Methods defined here: ---------------------
__init__(self, unpack) Constructor Initialize object's private data according to the arguments given. Arguments can be given as positional, named arguments or a combination of both.
struct MNT3resok { fhandle3 fh; rpc_auth_flavors auth_flavors<>; };
Methods defined here: ---------------------
__init__(self, unpack) Constructor Initialize object's private data according to the arguments given. Arguments can be given as positional, named arguments or a combination of both.
union switch MOUNT3args (mount_proc3 procedure) { case const.MOUNTPROC3_NULL: void; case const.MOUNTPROC3_MNT: MNT3args opmnt; case const.MOUNTPROC3_DUMP: void; case const.MOUNTPROC3_UMNT: UMNT3args opumnt; case const.MOUNTPROC3_UMNTALL: void; case const.MOUNTPROC3_EXPORT: void; };
Methods defined here: ---------------------
__init__(self, unpack, procedure) Constructor Initialize object's private data according to the arguments given. Arguments can be given as positional, named arguments or a combination of both.
union switch MOUNT3res (mount_proc3 procedure) { case const.MOUNTPROC3_NULL: void; case const.MOUNTPROC3_MNT: MNT3res opmnt; case const.MOUNTPROC3_DUMP: DUMP3res opdump; case const.MOUNTPROC3_UMNT: void; case const.MOUNTPROC3_UMNTALL: void; case const.MOUNTPROC3_EXPORT: EXPORT3res opexport; };
Methods defined here: ---------------------
__init__(self, unpack, procedure) Constructor Initialize object's private data according to the arguments given. Arguments can be given as positional, named arguments or a combination of both.
struct UMNT3args { dirpath3 path; };
Methods defined here: ---------------------
__init__(self, unpack) Constructor Initialize object's private data according to the arguments given. Arguments can be given as positional, named arguments or a combination of both.
struct exportnode3 { dirpath3 dir; groupnode3 *groups; exportnode3 *next; };
Methods defined here: ---------------------
__init__(self, unpack) Constructor Initialize object's private data according to the arguments given. Arguments can be given as positional, named arguments or a combination of both.
struct groupnode3 { name3 name; groupnode3 *next; };
Methods defined here: ---------------------
__init__(self, unpack) Constructor Initialize object's private data according to the arguments given. Arguments can be given as positional, named arguments or a combination of both.
enum mount_proc3
struct mountentry3 { name3 hostname; dirpath3 directory; mountentry3 *next; };
Methods defined here: ---------------------
__init__(self, unpack) Constructor Initialize object's private data according to the arguments given. Arguments can be given as positional, named arguments or a combination of both.
enum mountstat3
enum rpc_auth_flavors
fhandle3(unpack) Basic Data Types
baseobj(3), packet.nfs.mount3_const(3), packet.unpack(3), packet.utils(3)
No known bugs.
Jorge Mora (
21 March 2023 | NFStest 3.2 |