ARP(3) arp 1.0 ARP(3)

packet.internet.arp - ARP module

Decode ARP and RARP layers.

RFC 826 An Ethernet Address Resolution Protocol RFC 903 A Reverse Address Resolution Protocol

ARP object
    from packet.internet.arp import ARP
    x = ARP(pktt)
Object definition:
    htype = int,    # Hardware type
    ptype = int,    # Protocol type
    hlen  = int,    # Byte length for each hardware address
    plen  = int,    # Byte length for each protocol address
    oper  = int,    # Opcode
    sha   = string, # Hardware address of sender of this packet
    spa   = string, # Protocol address of sender of this packet
    tha   = string, # Hardware address of target of this packet
    tpa   = string, # Protocol address of target of this packet
Methods defined here:
__init__(self, pktt)
Initialize object's private data.
Packet trace object (packet.pktt.Pktt) so this layer has
access to the parent layers.

ARP object
    from packet.internet.arp import ARP
    x = ARP(pktt)
Object definition:
    htype = int,    # Hardware type
    ptype = int,    # Protocol type
    hlen  = int,    # Byte length for each hardware address
    plen  = int,    # Byte length for each protocol address
    oper  = int,    # Opcode
    sha   = string, # Hardware address of sender of this packet
    spa   = string, # Protocol address of sender of this packet
    tha   = string, # Hardware address of target of this packet
    tpa   = string, # Protocol address of target of this packet

enum arp_oper

baseobj(3), packet.internet.arp_const(3), packet.internet.ipv6addr(3),, packet.utils(3)

No known bugs.

Jorge Mora (

21 March 2023 NFStest 3.2