DNS(3) dns 1.0 DNS(3)

packet.application.dns - DNS module

Decode DNS layer.

RFC 1035 Domain Names - Implementation and Specification RFC 2671 Extension Mechanisms for DNS (EDNS0) RFC 4034 Resource Records for the DNS Security Extensions RFC 4035 Protocol Modifications for the DNS Security Extensions RFC 4255 Using DNS to Securely Publish Secure Shell (SSH) Key Fingerprints

DNS object
    from packet.application.dns import DNS
    # Decode DNS layer
    x = DNS(pktt, proto)
Object definition:
    id          = int,  # Query Identifier
    QR          = int,  # Packet Type (QUERY or REPLY)
    opcode      = int,  # Query Type
    AA          = int,  # Authoritative Answer
    TC          = int,  # Truncated Response
    RD          = int,  # Recursion Desired
    RA          = int,  # Recursion Available
    AD          = int,  # Authentic Data
    CD          = int,  # Checking Disabled
    rcode       = int,  # Response Code
    version     = int,  # Version (EDNS0)
    udpsize     = int,  # UDP Payload Size (EDNS0)
    options     = list, # Options (EDNS0)
    qdcount     = int,  # Number of Queries
    ancount     = int,  # Number of Answers
    nscount     = int,  # Number of Authority Records
    arcount     = int,  # Number of Additional Records
    queries     = list, # List of Queries
    answers     = list, # List of Answers
    authorities = list, # List of Authority Records
    additional  = list, # List of Additional Records
Methods defined here:
Truth value testing for the built-in operation bool()
__init__(self, pktt, proto)
Initialize object's private data.
Packet trace object (packet.pktt.Pktt) so this layer has
access to the parent layers.
Transport layer protocol.

Option object

Query object

Resource object

enum dns_algorithm

enum dns_class

enum dns_fptype

enum dns_opcode

enum dns_query

enum dns_rcode

enum dns_type

baseobj(3), packet.application.dns_const(3), packet.internet.ipv6addr(3), packet.unpack(3), packet.utils(3)

No known bugs.

Jorge Mora (mora@netapp.com)

21 March 2023 NFStest 3.2