pack_fread(3alleg4) Allegro manual pack_fread(3alleg4)

pack_fread - Reads n bytes from the stream. Allegro game programming library.

#include <allegro.h>

long pack_fread(void *p, long n, PACKFILE *f);

Reads `n' bytes from the stream `f', storing them at the memory location pointed to by `p'. Example:

   unsigned char buf[256];
   if (pack_fread(buf, 256, input_file) != 256)
      abort_on_error("Truncated input file!");

Returns the number of bytes read, which will be less than `n' if EOF is reached or an error occurs. Error codes are stored in errno.

pack_fopen(3alleg4), pack_fopen_chunk(3alleg4), pack_feof(3alleg4), expackf(3alleg4)

version 4.4.3 Allegro