UTILS(3) utils 1.0 UTILS(3)

nfstest.utils - Utilities module

Definition for common classes and constants

SparseFile object
SparseFile() -> New sparse file object
    # Create definition for a sparse file of size 10000 having
    # two holes of size 1000 at offsets 3000 and 6000
    x = SparseFile("/mnt/t/file1", 10000, [3000, 6000], 1000)
    # Object attributes defined after creation using the above
    # sample data:
    # endhole: set to True if the file ends with a hole
    # Above example ends with data so,
    # x.endhole = False
    # data_offsets: list of data segment offsets
    # x.data_offsets = [0, 4000, 7000]
    # hole_offsets: list of hole segment offsets including the
    #   implicit hole at the end of the file
    # x.hole_offsets = [3000, 6000, 10000]
    # sparse_data: list of data/hole segments, each item in the list
    #   has the following format [offset, size, type]
    # x.sparse_data = [[0, 3000, 1], [3000, 1000, 0], [4000, 2000, 1],
    #                  [6000, 1000, 0], [7000, 3000, 1]]
Methods defined here:
__init__(self, absfile, file_size, hole_list, hole_size)
Create sparse file object definition, the file is not created
just the object. Object attributes are defined which makes it
easy to create the actual file.
Absolute path name of file
Total size of sparse file
List of hole offsets
Size for each hole

Return list of components in path


No known bugs.

Jorge Mora (mora@netapp.com)

21 March 2023 NFStest 3.2