mtext_push_prop(3m17n) The m17n Library mtext_push_prop(3m17n)

mtext_push_prop -

int mtext_push_prop (MText * mt, int from, int to, MSymbol key, void * val)

@brief Push a text property.
The mtext_push_prop() function pushes a text property whose key
is @b key and value is @b val to the characters between @b from
(inclusive) and @b to (exclusive) in M-text @b mt.  With this

                    FROM                    TO
M-text: |<------------|-------- MT ---------|------------>|
PROP  :  <------------------ OLD_VAL -------------------->


                    FROM                    TO
M-text: |<------------|-------- MT ---------|------------>|
PROP  :  <------------------- OLD_VAL ------------------->
PROP  :               <-------- VAL ------->

@par Return value:
If the operation was successful, mtext_push_prop() returns 0.
Otherwise it returns -1 and assigns an error code to the external
variable #merror_code.   
@par Errors:
@par See Also:
mtext_put_prop(), mtext_put_prop_values(),
mtext_get_prop(), mtext_get_prop_values(),
mtext_pop_prop(), mtext_prop_range()   

Copyright (C) 2001 Information-technology Promotion Agency (IPA)
Copyright (C) 2001-2011 National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST)
Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License <>.

Mon Sep 25 2023 Version 1.8.4