MPIPAI - Given the area identifiers of two of the areas defined by whatever database was last read by the EZMAPB routines MPLNAM, MPLNDM, MPLNDR, and MPLNRI, this function has a non-zero value if and only if the first area is a part of the second.


#include <ncarg/ncargC.h>

int c_mpipai (int iain, int iaip)

is an input expression of type INTEGER, specifying the area identifier of a particular area of interest.
is an input expression of type INTEGER, specifying the area identifier of a second area of interest.

The C-binding argument description is the same as the FORTRAN argument description.

The statement "IPRT=MPIPAI(IAIN,IAIP)" sets IPRT non-zero if and only if the area having area identifier IAIN is a part of the area having area identifier IAIP. For example, if IMAD is the area identifier of the little island in Lake Superior called "Lake Madeline", ICUS is the area identifier of the area called 'Conterminous US', and IRUS is the area identifier of the area called 'Russia', then MPIPAI(IMAD,ICUS) has a non-zero value, but MPIPAI(IMAD,IRUS) does not.


To use MPIPAI or c_mpipai, load the NCAR Graphics libraries ncarg, ncarg_gks, and ncarg_c, preferably in that order.

Online: ezmap, ezmap_params, mapaci, mapbla, mapblm, mapdrw, mapeod, mapfst, mapgci, mapgrd, mapgrm, mapgtc, mapgti, mapgtl, mapgtr, mapint, mapiq, mapiqa, mapiqd, mapiqm, mapit, mapita, mapitd, mapitm, maplbl, maplmb, maplot, mappos, maproj, maprs, maprst, mapsav, mapset, mapstc, mapsti, mapstl, mapstr, maptra, maptri, maptrn, mapusr, mapvec, mpchln, mpfnme, mpgetc, mpgeti, mpgetl, mpgetr, mpglty, mpiaty, mpifnb, mpilnb, mpiola, mpiosa, mpipan, mpipar, mpisci, mplnam, mplndm, mplndr, mplnri, mpname, mprset, mpsetc, mpseti, mpsetl, mpsetr, supmap, supcon, ncarg_cbind

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University Corporation for Atmospheric Research
The use of this Software is governed by a License Agreement.

April 1998 UNIX