mongoc_uri_set_compressors (mongoc_uri_t *uri, const char *compressors);

  • uri: A mongoc_uri_t.
  • compressors: A string consisting of one or more comma (,) separated compressors (e.g. "snappy,zlib") or NULL. Passing NULL clears any existing compressors set on uri.

Sets the URI's compressors, after the URI has been parsed from a string. Will overwrite any previously set value.

mongoc_client_t *client;
mongoc_uri_t *uri;
uri = mongoc_uri_new ("mongodb://localhost/");
mongoc_uri_set_compressors (uri, "snappy,zlib,zstd");
mongoc_client_new_from_uri (uri);
/* Snappy & zlib & zstd compressors are enabled */

Returns false if the option cannot be set, for example if compressors is not valid UTF-8. Logs a warning to stderr with the MONGOC_WARNING macro if compressor is not available.

MongoDB, Inc

2017-present, MongoDB, Inc

March 31, 2024 1.26.0